2- new enemy

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Olivia's POV!:

We arrived at the club.
Me in a black short dress that hugged my curves perfectly. It was an off the shoulder dress.

you could see my breasts but that was the whole point.
Carla also wore a dress.
I have to admit, this club was beautifully decorated. Really a club where only rich people or people who were involved in the mafia came.

you could immediately smell the scent of alcohol. Men looked our way as we danced. I felt powerful because they wrap around your fingers so quickly.

ladies know your worth :)

Carla quickly got drunk I had another mission so I held back.

Hours passed and we drank colorful drinks and danced with random people. I looked to my right and saw a man in a suit. he was about 6'2 or 6'3 . muscular and a perfect face.

He had dark curls and moss colored green eyes.
Sharp jaw. 
And defined cheekbones.

Two blondes kissed the side of his neck and a few other handsome men stood next to him talking to him.

He caught me looking at him one more time. a smirk formed on his face and I saw his muscles flex.

I feel like I recognize him from somewhere, but I don't know from where or what.

My eyes went back to the side and saw Carla shove her tongue down some dude's throat.

I rolled my eyes.

Typical Carla.

I looked back at the man but he was gone.

My phone vibrated. I picked up and walked outside.

''Hello Night''


''I called to let you know that James Gilbert will be arriving at the club in 5 minutes, if your mission is successful you will get $50,000, so kill him''

"Don't worry, I'll get this done." I knew it was now time to go to the roof.

I get a picture of a man and it says below the description of James.
So I don't shoot the wrong man.
I took the stairs to the roof and could see almost the whole city.
It was avery tall building.

It is dark and the moon is full.
I grabbed my McMillan Tac-50 and focused my scope. I held my breath and aimed for James, he was walking down the street half drunk.

What a dumbass.

I could shoot him so easily.
I aimed for his head and just as I released the trigger I exhaled again.

Boom .

His head exploded and I faded into the darkness again.

I walked across the flat roof and felt a presence behind me.
I threw a knife behind me hoping it would hit the one in the darkness.

Fuck I missed.

A man stepped into the light and held the knife.

It was the man I saw earlier at the bar.

"Wow, Easy there beautiful" A deep husky voice spoke as he attended closer to me.

I threw another knife in his direction. he ducked.

"Too bad you keep missing honey," He smirked.

He threw a knife back at my head.
I ducked to the side and felt in my pockets and my knives were gone. I ran over to him and punched him in the face that caused him to lose his balance and fall backwards.

I fell on him and was now sitting on him.

''Damn if you wanted to ride me you could've just asked ,Hermosa''
He laughed and dimples appeared on his face.

"Who the fuck are you?" I said as I slapped his face again.
He didn't give a kick and he just laughed.

There was a knife on the floor next to us and I took my chance and cut his cheek just deep enough to leave a scar.

"aww what a shame to have to cut open such a perfect face." I said as I strongly pressed my legs tighter around his waist

I looked at him with puppy eyes.

"Now tell me who the fuck you are."

His smile disappeared from his face and he threw me off him and picked me up and threw me against the wall.

I immediately felt an intense sting on my rib.
It could have been broken but I immediately rolled back up.
He grabbed my throat and I forgot for a moment that he was so unbelievably tall compared to me.

He Pinned me against the wall and his handgrip tightens around my throat and I gasped for air.

His mouth came to my ear and whispered. His hands not leaving my throat

"My name is Valerio Rodríguez , A.K.A the devil, now the question is who are you?"

My breath was out and I tried to break free but I couldn't.

I kicked him in the balls and he let go immediately.

I picked up the knife from the ground and threw it into his lower leg.

A heavy moan left his mouth.

I wiped the blood from under my nose.

"I'm your new enemy from now on baby" and I left the roof.

To be continued......
Don't forget to vote!!!!!!!
And dw the chapters will get longer by time :)

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