3 - messed up bad

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Valerio's POV! :

She picked up a knife from the ground and threw it at me.

Damn she was fast.

I tried to duck but she was too fast. A sudden sharp pain in my lower leg appeared.

A knife stuck in my leg.
A heavy moan left my mouth.

I looked up and she was already disappearing into the darkness.

She looked back with one more look.
Pure evil in her eyes.

She disappeared from the roof.

Who was she?
And why didn't she tell her name?
What did she run from?

I walked back to the club full of questions in my head. I saw Matteo and louis standing at the bar.

Matteo and Louis are my best friends and both work for my mafia team.
Matteo is a fighter and Louis has the brains. He is more technical and hacks systems of our enemies.

"Jeez where the hell have you been" Matteo frowned as he spoke.

I felt anger build up inside me.

"Let's just go."
Blood dripped down my pants.

She threw right into my leg from a distance you could tell she had skills right away. My cheek stinged.
Fuck I forgot she cut me in the face.

My finger slid across the cut and my hand was covered in blood.
We walked to the car and got in.

"Are you going to tell us what happened or?" Louis asked me.

''Just start the damn car'' .
A silence fell and we drove off.

I decided to tell them.
''I looked outside and heard a gunshot, seconds later a man fell to the ground. I decided to go to the roof and find out who had shot. A woman in a black dress with long dark brown hair was standing on the roof. I decided to go to her but she saw me and threw a knife at me .
She missed and we got into a physical fight.
She jumped on me and asked who I was. She cut my face and I picked her up and threw her against the wall and punched her in the stomach.
Maybe I broke one of her ribs, but I'm not sure.
I pinned her to the wall and put my hand around her throat so she couldn't breathe. I told her my name but she didn't give me hers.
Later she kicked me in the balls and ran and just before she left she threw a knife right into my leg."

Louis and Matteo were silent.

Suddenly Matteo burst out laughing.
''I'm sorry but it's pretty funny''.

My gaze flicked to Matteo and my jaw cleched.
"It's not, she could have killed me."

Matteo stopped laughing.
''Yeah that's true, but it's funny that she escaped from you, I mean the great dangerous Valerio Rodríquez couldn't beat a girl and-''.

I interrupted him there so he wouldn't make me feel more humiliated.

''It's not fucking funny she had real skills, she must have been someone important that can't be otherwise, nobody is going to shoot someone on the roof and attack me and also get away with it."

Louis was thinking intensly.
"Louis what do you think?" Matteo asked.

Louis cleared his throat right before he answered the question.
''What I think is that she had to be an assassin.... right? I mean she shot someone from a high roof and also right in the head, someone who wanted revenge on someone didn't do it so perfectly."

I thought about what Louis said. And he was right.
"I think you're right, but I doubt she was just any assassin, anyway we have to find out who she is."

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