21 - glass

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Olivia's POV:

Jake escorted me to one of the rooms on the 1st floor.
He slammed the door shut and pinned me against the wall and kissed my lips roughly.
One hand around my waist and the other around my neck. His masculine perfume scent filled the room and he slowly began to kiss my neck.

A soft moan left my mouth and within seconds he threw me on the bed. I plopped down on the gigantic black bed and our kiss didn't stop. With each kiss I wanted more and more.

He gripped my hands tightly and pressed them against the wooden post of the bed. Suddenly I felt cold pay on my wrists and I was stuck to the bed.

I stopped the kiss and looked up in surprise. "What are you doing?" The first flirty look in Jake's eyes now turned into a furious one.

A gun was pressed hard against my forehead and the cold metal gave me the shivers.

''Not so tough now are you ? Olivia Fernandez'' A dirty grin appeared all over his face.

I shook my handcuffed arms from side to side, trying to break free. But of course I failed. ''How do you know my name?!''
I kicked my legs restlessly and tried to hit him. "Untie me you psycho!"

He tightened his arms and pressed my floundering legs down. "Scream and I'll blow your head off." The gun was pressed hard into my head and started to hurt.

What the fuck am I supposed to do? I'm tied to a bed with nowhere to go.
"What do you want from me?"

A smile left his mouth and he looked deep into my eyes. ''Revenge.''

My eyebrows furrowed and looked at him questioningly. '' Revenge? Forwhat I don't even know you?!''

His anger grew worse and he punched me in the face and my nose started to bleed.
I licked the blood from my lips and the iron taste poured into my mouth.

''You are the daughter of Marcello Fernando '' He grabbed my chin and forced me to look into his eyes, a vein popped out of his forehead.
"You have wiped out my whole family." His hand gripped my throat and I couldn't breathe.

Tears filled my eyes and I gasped for oxygen while realizing I had no way out.
I started getting dizzy and red.

Finally his strong grip released from my throat and got up from the bed, wiping the tears from his eyes.

I tried to catch my breath again and tears rolled down my cheek and splattered with blood under my nose. I was aware of how merciless my father was, but it's not my fault, I can't let myself be killed by my father's mistakes. "Jake please" I begged and he turned his front to me again.
"I'm sorry about your family but I'm not responsible for my father's mistakes." Pain beat in my voice and my lip began to quiver.

With another look at me, Jake left the room and slammed the door.

''No No'' ''Jake let me go!''

A few minutes passed and I didn't know how much longer he would be gone.
I felt the handcuffs were poor quality and I might be able to knock them off me. I started pushing the handcuffs along the wood and put all the strength I had on them. Come on please go away I kept hoping. With a loud cry I broke the handcuffs from the bed.

Heavy footsteps came closer and closer to the door.
Jake came back.
I quickly grabbed a glass vase from the nightstand and hid behind the door waiting for Jake to walk in.

In a second I smashed the vase on his head and there was a loud cry from Jake and he grabbed his head. I ran to the door but was pulled back by Jake.

This motherfucker is very fast and not as easy as I expected him to be.

A very hard kick from Jake followed and I grabbed my stomach screaming. I fell forward and crumpled in the intense sharp pain in my body.

"You little bitch!" Jake yelled, clutching at his bleeding head.

I crawled across the glass-covered floor and tried to grab a shard of glass, but I was too late.

He grabbed my neck and pressed me against the wall. He grabbed a knife from his pocket and pressed it to my throat. Fire came into his eyes and tears rolled down my face.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. This is it, it's done with me.
He's too strong for me.

My breath quickened and a gunshot rang through my ears. Jake's head exploded right in front of my face and his lifeless body fell to the ground with a bang.

Valerio stood in the doorway with a rifle still pointed in my direction. I felt dizzy and glared at Valerio and left the room.

I shot the man who was holding Olivia right in the back of his head . A loud ringing noise filled the room and his body dropped on the floor.

I looked back at Olivia who was standing in shock , her eyes met mine and her she threw a pissed look at me.

I placed the gun back in my pocket and Olivia quickly walked out of the room.

I walked after her in full confusion, why is she mad at me ?

" Olivia wait " I yelled and grabbed her by her hand.

She turned around and wiped the blood away from under her nose.
"What is wrong with you ?!" She replied yelling

"What is wrong with me ? I just saved your ass ! " My jaw clenched and my eyebrows lowered.

She quickly pulled herself free from my grip and pointed her finger in my face
" I didn't need your help I could've done it myself!"

I got even more confused and my eyes traveled over Olivia's body . Her nose was still bleeding and her hands were red. Small pieces of glass stuck into her dress and her hair looked fuzzy. The man's handprint was printed in her neck and turned slightly purple-ish.

" Stop yelling for fucks sake ! How are you mad at me for saving you ?" I asked waiting for her answer but instead she turned back around and walked away.

" I- forget about it."
Her voice sounded soft but it did sound like she wanted to say something else.

Before I could even say something else she collapsed and fell to the ground but I caught her right before her tiny body hit the ground.

Minutes later I played her down on my bed. I cleaned the blood of her face and picked the class pieces out of her clothes.

Her eyes were closed and she was in a deep sleep. She was exhausted and was fighting for so long.

I looked over at her for one last time.
Why do bad things always happen to her? She doesn't deserve this. Why was she brought into this world ?

After staring at her peaceful sleeping face I fell asleep on a mattress next to her.

Sorry for the extreme long break :) but I'm back and will continue updating this story ! So don't forget to vote

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2021 ⏰

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