14 - safe

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I opened the door to my room and it squeaked a little . Olivia stood next to me she looked tensed like she was afraid of something . I could also see she was tired , her eyes were half opened.

"Here lay down "
I pointed at my bed .

She jumped on the bed and relaxed , and shoved the blanket up to her neck.

I piled a few pillows on the ground so I wouldn't sleep on the harsh floor .

"What the hell are you doing?" A confused expression appeared on her face. She tucked a few strains of her hair behind her ears .

I blinked a few times before answering
"Ehm ... sleeping?"

" Why on the ground and not in the bed ?"
The confused expression didn't leave her face.

"I'll sleep on the floor it's fine don't worry about it " I reassured her. I feel like sleeping besides her right now isn't the best idea , also maybe she needed space from me , I wasn't sure but this was my safest option.

"Oh okay .. well goodnight then " She spoke softly . Her head dug in the big soft pillow and she relaxed .

I couldn't tell if she was disappointed that I wouldn't lay next to her or happy about it ?

I nodded.
"Goodnight "

I watched her fall asleep not trying to be a creep . I needed to make sure she was going to sleep. And she did. She looked adorable sleeping . Her facial expressions softened and her breathing started to get heavier.

I was happy she went asleep and decided to do the same . Not moments later I closed my eyes and fell asleep in no time .

I woke up to the sound of Olivia gasping for air. It was only 4 am.

She sat in my bed looking around frantically almost looking for something.
Her breathing was fast and I think she was sweating. I immediately stood up and jumped on the bed right next to her.

I held her tight and rubbed her back.
"Hey hey! It's okay , it's okay " I pressed her head against my chest holding her tighter. She let a tear fall.

"It's okay " I reassured her.
"You're safe here" and I was still rubbing her back.

"N-No he was h-here" She looked around in the room with fear in her eyes. Her eyebrows were frowned in a stressed expression .

I was shook my head.
"No , nobody is here okay? I got you "

Her breathing slowed and I continued calming her down.
I don't know why she had nightmares and what they were about but I wanted to know. I wanted to know and help her. I don't have feelings for her but no one deserves that ; not being able to sleep because of the demons in her sleep.

I played my hand on her face and gently rubbed away her tears with my thumb.

"It was just a dream , you are safe here "
I hugged her again.

Minutes passed and I kept reassuring her and comforting her until she finally calmed down .

" You should try to get some rest , will you be okay?" My eyebrows raised and I stood up and walked away from the bed .

She nodded.
"Yes I'm fine , thank you "

I walked over to the other side of the bed am placed myself on the ground again .

"Valerio?" She said with a questioning tone .

I looked back up connecting my eyes back at hers
" Yeah ?"

She hesitated to ask something .
"Will .... can you come and sleep next to me ?" She played nervously with her ring.

I was happy for some reason. Maybe because she felt safer sleeping next to me and needing me to sleep next to her .

"Yes of course " I smiled at her and placed myself on the bed next to her .

Just when I was finally laying down she placed her head on my chest.
I grabbed her head and stroke her hair softly.

I hesitated to ask her about her nightmares but did it anyway.
" what are your nightmares about?"

She placed her head further on my chest almost laying completely on top of me.
" My uhm.....father".

" Did he hurt you?" I asked .

She sighed deeply .
"Yes since the day I was born but not only me also Carla and my mom".

I couldn't help but feel bad for her . I could hear the pain in her voice .
She had so many pain bottled up inside of her and I wanted to take it all away.

" I need your help killing my father ".

I nodded immediately
"Yes of course I will help you "

Her body got less tense almost like she needed me to say that to relax more .
"Valerio can I ask you something?"

" Yeah go ahead "

" You never told me why you wanted to kill your own father"
She got off my chest and looked me deep in the eyes .

I looked at my hands .
" Well a couple of months ago he hired someone to kill me but he failed, so i don't really have a choice or he's going to try again" .

Her eyes widened
" Why did he try to kill you?"

My eyes wondered back to Olivia's
"I'm just going to put it this way, people liked me more as a Mafia leader then my dad , I mean me and my father are both killers but he's a psychopath and I'm just a killer there's a difference, also since the day I was born my father knew I was going to take his place so we never had a good bond but no mafia father likes his own son taking over the place" .

I think Olivia knew what I meant , she nodded understandingly and was thinking about what I said .

"Well yeah that makes sense , but if you are the under boss and your dad is the actual mafia boss doesn't that mean he has more power than you ?"

" Well nobody liked my dad being so ruthless , he also had crazy psycho ideas which made people not wanting to follow him anymore and what a leader without followers ? Exactly nothing " .

She placed her head back on my chest.
"We need to kill our dads , and we need it do it together " .

She was right . We needed each other for support .

"Yeah that's right " I gave a soft kiss on top of her head .

Her breathing started to become more heavy and I knew she fell asleep . I wrapped my arms around her holding her tightly and decided to do the same .

She looks peaceful during sleep , but stressed when she wakes .
It's like she has a wall inside her head .
I want to take the bricks and break them to see what's behind . Maybe there's a door that leads to her heart. You can look trough the keyhole but it's still closed.
I don't think she ever loved someone deeply and nobody ever was her key.
Maybe but only maybe I can be her key and open the door letting the demons behind the door out and not ever letting them back in . She had to let me and not throw the key away. I know she's scared but I'll be by her side no matter what.

To be continued! Don't forget to vote :)

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