6 - deal with the devil

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Valerio's POV :

I had too many questions about Olivia.
She looked like an angel, but deep down I know there's a devil.

Every monster once had feelings.

She keeps a lot inside and prefers to remain mysterious, that's okay. I'll figure it out anyway.

It was slowly getting dark outside and I decided to walk to the kitchen.
Nina, Metteo and Louis were already looking at me.

"What have I done now?" I sighed deeply.

Nina rolled her eyes.
'' Are you serious? What have I done? Well maybe you let a prisoner in here who literally tried to kill you 24 hours ago?" She looked pissed at me.

Okay maybe she was right about this weird situation but Nina needs to deal with it and shut up.

"No there's no look, I get it she's hot but putting her on our team after she tried to kill you is a suicide mission."

Matteo nodded and looked at me.
"Why did you put her on the team in the first place?"

I remained silent and hesitated to say my thoughts out loud.
''You do know that we have been looking for the assassin Night for more than a year? I think she has something to do with it or even is Night''.

Nina burst out laughing and Louis looked at me questioningly.
"Please don't make me laugh, I'm out of here."
Nina grabbed her phone from the counter and walked away.

"Nina wait."

She stopped walking away.
"If you want Night on your team so badly why don't we test her tomorrow?"
Nina calmly walked back towards us.

There was a silence and I thought about it.

Matteo broke the silence
''I think it's a good idea, because I'm not convinced that she is the one and only Night''.

He looked at Louis.
"Yeah, I think we should do it too."

They all looked at me with a questioning look.

"Okay fine you have it your way." I said.

Footsteps from behind grew louder.
It was Olivia and Carla.
Both had changed themselves.
The maids had put different clothes in their room.

Olivia was wearing gray sweatpants with a white tank top.
She looked hot.

Olivia's POV :

And there he stood.
The most arrogant, confident, most annoying man ever.
I've only known him for a day, no that's not true, I don't really know him at all.

He was wearing black pants and a gray shirt.
The shirt was tight and you could see his abs through it if you looked closely.

God how tall he is, almost a giant.
His black curls in his hair looked soft and his moss green eyes looked my way, checking me from head to toe.

He walked towards me and cleared his throat before speaking.
"Olivia I need to talk to you."

"Well, me and Carla actually want to eat something-"

"The maids will bring you something."
And he took my hand and pulled me up the hall.
He took huge steps that almost made me fly forward.

He pulled me further and opened a black door.
We enter a large living room, in this house there are at least 5.
The whole wall was made of glass and you could see the whole city. All the lights of houses and the traffic that drove by.

I realized he was still holding me tight and I pulled away .
''You could also just ask if I walked with you instead of dragging me along''.

He laughed .
"Would you have walked with me?"
His eyebrows raised and he was probably right about that but he still didn't have to drag me away

''Probably not no''.

'' That's what I thought ''.

I walked to the windows and looked outside.
It was raining and it was dark. Still the city was filled up with lights from , cars , stores , houses
"Your ego really makes me want to punch you."

He came and stood next to me.
"I don't like you either, but we have to work together."

I rolled my eyes at him and felt him standing close to me.
''I only work with you under conditions''.

He looked at me with anger in his eyes.
He took another step closer and grabbed a piece of my hair and rolled it around his fingers.
''You're not the one making the rules here, sweetheart''.

Within a second I pushed him onto the couch behind us and jumped on him, holding a knife to his throat.
''I don't give a damn about your rules''.

A smile came to his face.
''You like to sit on me, don't you.''

''Get over yourself, cute scar on your face by the way, I should have cut deeper''. I said coldly.

He grabbed my neck and rolled me under him and now he was on top of me.
His left leg was clamped to my left hip and his right leg was clamped to my right hip.

I couldn't go anywhere and I was stuck between his legs.
He was too strong.

He took the knife from my hands and threw it across the room.
"Aww come on Olivia I thought you'd fight me."

His hand gripped my throat tighter.
I slammed my head against his and his nose bled.

His hand let go of my throat and gripped his face.
I flipped my hip to the other side causing him to lose his balance and fall off the couch with me.

I immediately rolled up and he immediately got up too and ran to me and threw me against the glass wall.

An intense stab hit my back and I tried to breathe but it hurt too much.
I got up and kicked him in the stomach and punched his jaw.
It didn't hurt him much because seconds later he gave me a hard punch in my stomach.

After fighting each other for 15 minutes, we realized this was getting us nowhere.

He wiped the blood from under his nose.
"Are you done or do you want another round?" He breathed loudly and I could see he was getting tired.

I put both hands on my knees and tried to catch my breath.
My hair was tangled and I could feel bruises forming on my body.
"I only work if you keep me safe from my father." I took breaks between my words trying to catch my breath

He looked at me questioningly.
"Why your father?" His breathing was still loud and his curls were tangled.

I walked closer to him.
''Me and Carla have been on the run from him for 5 years''.

"Why?" he asked me.

'' Private reasons''.

"Okay fine, one more question do you want to kill him?"

I didn't understand where this conversation was going and nodded.
'' Yeah ​​''.

He came closer.
"What if I help you kill your father and you join me on the team?"

I thought about it, I need his help to get my father.

He looked at me with his moss green eyes.
"Oh one more thing, I need your help to kill my father too."

I looked at him questioningly and couldn't understand why he wanted his father killed too.

''Private reasons''. he answers.

He held out his hand to me.
"Do we have a deal?"

I hesitated but it was a good plan, we need each other even though we hate each other.
I reached out and placed my little hand in his big hand and shook it.
'' We have a deal''. I smiled at him.
To be continued! don't forget to vote !

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