12 - stitched

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"VALERIO RODRÍGUEZ PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW " I hit him on the shoulder to try and break out . What was I thinking he was way to strong.

"God you sound like my mom " .
He opened the bathroom door and placed me on the sink.

"Sit still I'll be right back ". He gave me a stare that told me to not move .

I stayed and sat still .
Looking around in the bathroom, wait this was Valerio's bathroom I think. A few sweaters were folded on top of each other.
The bathroom was very dark but yet cozy if that makes sense.

The door opened again .
" Do you need something to numb your lip?" His eyebrows raised.

"No thanks "
I played nervously with my ring around my finger .

"You sure ? This shit hurts "

I nodded
"Yeah I'm sure just get it over with. "

He opened a wooden box .
He took a needle out of the box and an ice pack .

He placed his hand under my chin forcing me to look up .
He placed a wet towel against my lip to wipe the fresh blood away, he seemed very serious and I could see the focus in his eyes.

Wow he actually is serious for the first time , normally he's flirty and trying to be funny. But now he takes care of me and is focused .

The water burned my lip but I didn't have a kick , I was used to pain .
I remember me and Carla were forced by my father to play soccer so that if we would get beaten by him and someone asked how I got a bruise he would say it's because of soccer .

"Okay I'm going to start to stitch" He spoke with a deep husky voice .

He took my hand and placed it on his shoulder. " Just squeeze in my arm if it hurts okay ?" .

I nodded.
"Okay" .
His shoulders were really broad.

He started stitching and a hiss left my lips . I closed my eyes and squeezed his shoulder.

He finished stitching my lips.

I looked at him with a questioning expression.

He noticed it .
"What? "

"How did you learn to stitch something ?"
I looked in his green eyes .

He cleaned the needle and put it back in the box and placed the ice pack against my lips .

"The new people in my mafia start to get trained but also learn how to do things like stitching and other stuff just in case you might need it , but I learned it from my mom".

"Oh-" I tried to talk but he interrupted me.

"Shh shh " . He pressed the ice pack to my mouth so I wouldn't talk.
" Don't talk it needs to heal ."
I sighed.

"Also good job today you still need to gain trust from me and the others but you didn't shoot us today or tried to run away so I guess that's progress ". He stroked his hand trough his curly hair.

I jumped off the sink.
"I still think your an asshole but thank you ". I padded him on the shoulder and left the bathroom .

I walked to the hall and saw Carla getting up the stairs.

I still had the ice pack pressed against my lips so it would swell less and heal better.

"Hey Liv, did you get your lip stitched?"

I nodded .
" Yeah Valerio did actually ".

Her eyebrows raised and laughed.
"Seems like you guys are finally getting along".

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