Ch. 17: Snapped

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AN: Going to be very busy... I had time to post tonight... start classes tomorrow, tell me what you think... Sorry that it's short, but I love where it ended...


Chapter 17

The following morning there was a loud bang on the bus door, then Paul came barreling through it, furious and angry.

“AAAA!” Alex screamed.

“Get up!!!" dad called out.  “Everyone in the arena in twenty minutes!!"  With that he stormed out.

“Ali, relax it’s your dad,” Derek said, popping his head in the bunk, already dressed and drinking his coffee. “Family meeting, twenty minutes!”

She smiled, “Luckily you were not in here when he walked in and did a bunk inspection.”

“I know,” he said, kissing her lips.  “Now come on, you wanna at least get coffee, maybe just wear your pajamas in?”

“Dad is in business mood,” Joe said looking out from his bunk.  “That means we have to be dressed.”

Alex groaned, “I’m his only girl, you think I can get away with it?”  She looks at Derek.  “No coffee but milk sounds good for me.”

Derek got her some milk as she got dressed reluctantly, and he set it on the table for her.  After she got done getting dressed, everyone was running around getting ready and racing out of the bus since they had 5 minutes to get inside and find the room the meeting was going to be in.

The full crew walked into the room to see Mom, Dad, Rob, Frankie, and Nick already there.

At least he wasn’t late, Alex thought.

“Sit down,” Dad said firmly.

They sat down, and waited for dad to start.

“First of all, no one says a word till I’m done!” he started, which everyone nods.  “Alex, angry or not, changing the set list last night was unacceptable.  Kevin and Dani, the fighting needs to stop, at least the screaming. And finally Nicholas Jerry Jonas, how dare you up and take off!  You had no right to disappear on us like that.  If Jen is going to become a problem she won’t be allowed on tour with us.”

Alex started to snicker.

“And Alex, thanks for trying to help, but butt out!  It’s our job to parent, not yours!  Now, anyone have anything to say?”  He was quiet now.

Dani raised her hand.

“Dani,” Paul said pointing to her.  “Go ahead.”

“Kevin just told Alex about something that she didn’t need to know, but it’s settled between Kevin and I.”

“Okay,” he said, nodding.  “Anyone else?”

Alex raised her hand sadly.

“Alex,” he said sternly.

“Sorry about last night.  Just that Nick and I were supposed to have a talk and he just avoid the whole thing.  Joe and Kevin can back me up on this.  And since Nick avoided me, I thought that I'd avoid him during my songs.”

“But you didn’t avoid just him, you avoided your other brothers too!  And that lucky fan gets time with you guys during ‘This is Me’, so the fact you bailed on THEM is the problem.”

Alex nods.  “And taking over your jobs, I’m sorry, but since you weren’t there something had to be said last night.”

Nick raised his hand, and Paul nodded in his direction.

Nick then says, “Nothing needed to be said.  I hadn’t done anything; and neither had she.  You judging her right off the bat wasn’t fair. You don’t even know her!”

“After three years of letters, I know plenty,” Alex said crossing her arms watching Nick.

Nick glared at her and just kept to himself.

“Alright then,” Paul said, “Nicholas, we’ll deal with this when we get home, from now on you’re on the bus, NO EXCEPTIONS!  Now, go you have an hour of rest time till rehearsals.”

Nick quickly got up and walked out.

“And Alex, back off your brother, let us handle it.  Dislike her fine, but don’t start arguments, if you have any concerns, talk to your mother. Understood?”

“Yes sir,” she said nodding and looking at the ground.

“And you will also be getting a talking to when you get home.”

“Me?” she asked.  “What did I do?”

“Alexis, you not only messed with a band schedule, but stage crew, your brother’s timing, the fans interaction, you need to learn how much you affect with just a couple changes. I can’t believe you would let something like this get to you!  I am so disappointed in you.”  With that he walked out with Nick very close and eagerly behind him rushing to get out.

“What the...” she looks at her brothers.

“What’s the matter Alex,” Joe said.  “You know how dad is with schedules and things.  I swear he has OCD.”

Alex looks at Denise.  “Mom.  What is dad talking about?”

“Not now Alexis,” she said.  “Just go get ready, this will be discussed when we get home, dad’s orders.” She brushed past them, Frankie close behind, giving Alex a quick hug on his way out.

Alex got up to walk out, upset already and when she turned the corner she seen Nick, with her, lips locked, only upsetting her more she took off toward the bus.


Alex starts shaking as she rips through her bags, and found it.  She stares at the small blade in her hand.  “Just a small cut.  That’s all.  Then the pain will go away,” she said.

Derek comes up behind her and grabs her hands, “ALI NO!!!” He shook her arms, forcing the blade to hit the ground, forcing her into his arms.  “Why?!?!?!” he said.  “Why would you do this?”

She just starts to shake and cry against him.

“You don’t have to do this anymore,” he said.  “You’ve been doing so well.  I’m here now, Ali. Please.”  He kicks the blade across the floor toward Kevin and Dani’s door, away from them.  “Talk to me,” he whispered finally.

He sees Kevin, Joe, and Dani walk onto the bus and sees Alex in Derek’s arms just crying.

“What happened?” Joe asked.

Derek nodded at the floor by Kevin and Dani’s room.  Joe walked over and picked up a small blade, holding it up.

“She was going to cut herself again,” Dani said covering her mouth and to hold in a cry out.

Alex just cried in Derek’s arms as Kevin, Joe, and Dani went up and hugs her in a group hug.


AN: Poor Ali... what do you think made her snap?

CFV.... thanks...

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