Ch. 35: Honeymoon

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AN: OMGOSH... it's the final chapter of the story and maybe series (I have huge Writers Block on Part 5). It was great to see everyone reading this and comments and votes... thanks again.

SEX is at the end of the story will make note where it stops and ends


Chapter 35

They got downstairs, and Derek was making sure that their bags were getting put in an awaiting limo.

Alex frowned.  “Derek?” she asked.

“What darling,” he asked, turning to her.

“Could we… could not take a limo, and get a cab instead?”

“What?” Joe asked in shock. 

“You can’t be serious,” Nick and Kevin added.

She nods, “I’m sorry, but…”

“Alex, I paid for it,” Kevin told her.

She nods, “I guess I just have to face my fear then.  It just takes me back that day two years ago.”

“Ali,” Derek said, pulling her to him in a soft hug, “This is different.  Don’t think of it as leaving, think of it as a step to your future okay, to our future,” he whispers the last part.

She looks up and reaches up to kiss him, “You’re right.”  She closed her eyes and pushed everything that she just remembered and shoved it to the side, and sighed, “I’m ready.”

He smiled as she hugged her brothers one more time and they climbed into the limo.

She opens the sunroof and stand up to watch her brothers as they wave.

She couldn’t help it, she saw some teenage girls getting out of a few cars, and it was about six of them.  “OH MY GOD IT’S THE JONAS BROTHERS!” she yelled.

The girls looked up to see the boys as they turn to look at them, and they ran back inside as the girls went after them.

She laughs as she sat back down and closed the sunroof, and he lays his head down in her lap.

“What are you doing?” she asked with a laugh as the limo takes off.

            He rubbed her lower legs and lays on his back, “Getting comfy.”

She giggles putting her right hand on his chest and runs her left hand fingers through his hair.

He closed his eyes enjoying her touch and turned his head to kiss her knee, and whisper, “I love you.”

“I love you,” she whispers as she bends over to kiss him.

As they rode to the airport they seemed to become more and more anxious to get there.  Getting through security seemed to go quickly, since they didn’t even know where they were going, there was no press, no drama, and as they waited in the first class lounge.

Derek turned to her, “So when we come home, are we going to my home or you wanna come back to Texas home?”

She was surprised.  “I told them your place.  Dad said that we are welcome to come visit, and you can stay with me in my room this time.”

“Well, I wanted to make sure,” he said, “I didn’t want you to be missing them too much.”

She smiled, “I have to move on.  I can’t be there 24/7.”

“Well, either way, as long as we’re together,” Derek said.

“I know Derek,” she said, “let’s just enjoy our honeymoon,”

Men of Honor~ Part 4 of Alexis' Jonas SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now