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AN: OKAY WEDDING TIME... what you all have been waiting for.... enjoy


Chapter 27

Alex was so anxious, three months just flew by and there she was, sitting in front of a mirror, starring at herself, in her wedding dress, and her hair done up with her blue flower clip that she wore the first time she meet her family.

Her hands were shaking, but everything was done, everything down to the last detail.  Seating arrangements, the songs for her dances with her brothers, what goes where, and the decorations done by Michel Russo. All that hard work, every stressful moment had come down to this.

She was trying to breathe, trying to stay calm as Jen, Mandy, and Dani came up behind her.

“Relax,” Dani said, “You’re psyching yourself out.”

“I’m trying,” Alex said, “But I mean, I knew this day was coming, but now that it’s here, I can’t stop shaking.”

“I know it’s scary, anxious, excited,” Dani said, “A million feelings at once.  Just think after today, you’ll be Alexis Hough.  Married.”

Alex closed her eyes, “And Derek still won’t tell me where we are going for our honeymoon in the morning.”

“He’s good at surprises,” Dani smiled, “But just think, when you go, you’ll be husband and wife, and you will finally be able to commit yourself to him.  Your heart, soul and BODY.  Trust me it’ll be worth the wait.”

“Besides the fact your brothers will be here,” Jen said, “Stressing out over their sister having sex.”  She let out a giggle.

Alex laughed, “Ya, they would be making the faces of ‘eew’.”

There was a knock on the door, and Dani went to go answer it, and she smiled, “Alex you have company and the boys are here.”

Alex stood up to see Mitchel, David, mom, dad, Frankie, Joe, Nick, and Kevin come in and froze seeing her in her dress for the perfect time.

They were all hugs and around the room.

“Wow, Alex you look incredible,” Joe said kissing her cheek about in tears.

“Thank you,” she smiled looking at her brothers, their suits, JB logo vests, and their flower to go with the color theme, “You look great too.”

Mom and dad were in tears and hugged and kissed her too and then they went to leave again since they were just waiting and to greet the guests with Derek’s family, and for the moment in walking their daughter down the isle to Derek.

“Alex,” David smiled, “We wanted to just come see you before the wedding starts.”

“Aw,” she smiled glad that her friends were there since she started her album, and got to know them.  She hugs them.  “Thank you so much for coming.  It means a lot to me.”

“Derek is the perfect guy for you Alex,” Mitchel told her.  “He’s good for you.”

“Thank you.”

“We’re going to go find our seats,” Mandy said taking Jen’s hand.  “We’ll go with you two.  Frankie… give Alex a hug and come with us.”

Frankie hugs Alex as she hugs him back.  “I love you sis.”

“I love you too Tank.”

They let go and they leave the room.

Alex looks at her family.  Her family of two years now.  She didn’t know where that time flew.  She just knew that she was loved.

“Alex,” Kevin said, “I have something for you.”  Kevin hands Alex a small box, “From Derek, just read the note first.”

Men of Honor~ Part 4 of Alexis' Jonas SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now