Ch. 8: Don't Charge Me For The Crime

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AN: Okay... here is another update... this is Thanksgiving break... so I might update twice lol    I got sick yesterday and rested and had a high fever, but I feel a little better today... anyways... here is your chapter... 

Old flame comes back and something gets turned for the worst.


Chapter 8

A few days later, Alex was getting happy to have a few days off.  Derek was flying in to have dinner with her, and to spend some quality one on one time. She hadn’t been this excited in along time since her issues with cutting.  She never looked at her cuts or wanted to cut, that her wrists were tons better.

When the tour bus stopped in front of their hotel, she practically leaped off the tour bus into his arms, kissing him deeply on his lips.

 “I am so glad your here,” she told him with a huge smile, “I’ve missed you so much.”

He smiled at her, as her brothers walked off the buses behind them. Derek kissed Alex again, causing Kevin, Nick and Joe to let out a huge mutual…

“Eeeewwww get a room!” they said teasingly.

Kevin walked up to them and Derek put his fist out.

“Hey,” they said as they punched fists and man hug.

Then he does the same with Joe and Nick.

“Now, please,” Derek said, “Thank you for giving us the time for your sister and I to spend some ‘us time’.  I’m stealing her for a little bit.”

Kevin laughs, “Don’t do anything we wouldn’t do,” Kevin said reaching over to grab Dani to pull her over toward him as they smile and kiss.

Alex laughed and fakingly puts her finger down her throat as she sticks her tongue out to gag.  “Okay, eeewww,” she said.  “You are my brother, and I may love you.  But I promised mom and dad nothing was going to happen until wedding night.”

Kevin laughs as Derek led Alex in the other direction as everyone said goodbyes.

“So where are we headed?” Alex asked.

Derek kept his mouth shut, leaving her wonder where they were off too.  He opened the car door to his vehicle and let her in. He walks around to the driver’s side, still leaving Alex in wonder of what was going on.

“Derek,” she said, “Come on tell me something.”

“Nope, lunch is all you need to know.”

“Derek, you know I hate surprises.”

“Alex, you need to relax.  Go with the flow more often,” he said, as they pulled up to this beautiful restaurant.

He got out, handed the valet his keys, came around to let Alex out, takes Alex’s hand, and pulled her close to him, and leads her into the restaurant. As they sat for lunch Derek just looked at her, holding her hand over the table.

“Alex, I love you,” he said flashing her his beautiful smile, “I have from way back when I taught you how to shake your ass.  You were sexy then, and you’re sexy now.  I can’t imagine me living the rest of my life without you.”

“I love you too, Derek,” Alex smiled letting him kiss each of her fingertips.

“And I can’t wait until your my wife,” he said.  “When I can kiss all of you, make you feel like Chris never could.”

She blushes surprised at the way he was speaking to her.  “Since when do you talk like that?” she asked.  This was all new to her.

“I dunno; it just felt right,” he said.

Men of Honor~ Part 4 of Alexis' Jonas SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now