Ch. 1: Hello Beautiful

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AN: Okay I noticed that MOST of my chapters are L O N G on this one... SO I'll be posting Chapters as Part 1 and Part 2, etc. Unless it's short enough... 

This is going to be a song chapter... if you go to the links on the side, you'll see the songs that Alex are singing... if you listen while reading you can picture her singing them to the crowd... 


Chapter 1

            Alex and Danielle got to the steps to the stage where she was going to be coming out on, and she reaches in back to turn on her microphone pack that was connected to her pants and belt as Danielle helps Alex get setup.

            “Everything is going to be fine,” Danielle told her.

            Alex nodded, “I know.  I’ve been doing these every night, why is tonight any different?”

            Dani grins, “The video maybe?”

            Alex nods, “Must be it.”  Alex knew another reason too.

            Dani helps Alex with her microphone headpiece that she had around her neck that she was going to wear while singing her next two songs.  Alex just didn’t know that after her second song, there was a surprise for her; which there was three of them.

            After they heard the ending of ‘S.O.S.’, the fans scream after it ends.

            “Okay everyone, please welcome Alex Jonas everybody!” Kevin said to the crowd.

            Alex was surprised, and looks at Dani and covers her microphone piece.  “Normally Nick or Joe announce me.”

            “Maybe Kevin wanted to do it tonight.  Just remember Nick is at the piano so he said if you get nervous just look over.”

            Alex nods as she saw Joe and Kevin coming down the stairs and didn’t look at her.  Alex was surprised.  Normally they smile at her, give her a kiss on the cheek, or hug, and then walk off to change clothes.

            “Go!” Danielle said as the music was cued.

            Alex felt hurt as she quickly went up the stairs, and pauses before the spotlight was on her mark were she was suppose to stand, and the lights were on Nick and his piano while he was playing the music to ‘Suddenly’ as the band members walk off since it was just the piano and a few string players in their orchestra.

            She starts to sing as the fans scream at her. 

Suddenly I, am in front of the lights
Everything, I'm feeling
Scary and beautiful at the same time
And every day I try just to breathe
I want to show the whole world
The truth inside of me

She knew behind her on the different screens was her music video that Mitchel made in January with her spending time with her brothers, goofing off, or singing, playing games, or just having a moment together, and then one would go to her singing, and one would then change to Nick playing on the piano.

Suddenly people know my name
Suddenly everything has changed
Suddenly I feel so alive
In the blink of an eye
My dreams begin to rain

As she was singing, she saw tons of signs and most were saying, ‘Happy Birthday Alex’.  Either by shorthand, or was very crafty.  At least her fans knew which made her smile.

Men of Honor~ Part 4 of Alexis' Jonas SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now