Ch. 11: love/miss you

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AN: Hey everyone... I'll be busy all week since I have stuff to do all week (FINALS next week). I have a drawing due Wednesday and a paper to write up on what I learned watching a class room with students in it (which I want to be a Elementary teacher, and go tomorrow to watch, which I got permission from the principal too.. nice lady, and my son's school).

Well, here is the next chapter... tell me what  you think...


Chapter 11

            Four weeks later, Alex was finally feeling better, and was going to the doctors later today to see if she could move her jaw yet.  It has been hell for the past four weeks not being able to talk normal, sing, eating.  Eating was hard on her, but she decided to do protein shakes, which was nasty but it would help her strength.

            Alex got a white board and markers for it so she could save a tree instead of writing in notepads all the time.

            Her friend went out but said would be back later, which gave her time to get on her laptop and check her emails.  She knew that she hasn’t lately… okay all four weeks, but she knew once she got in there, her email box was going to be loaded with emails from her family, even from Nick, Joe, Kevin, and Derek.

            As she put in her email and password, the mailbox pops up and her eyes widen.  There were over 200 of them.

            She opens the first emails from her brothers.


Hey sis.  I love you and miss you.  The tour is going great.  All the fans are super understanding, holding signs, saying they are praying for you and miss you.  It’s been weird, singing without you.  Not being here, it’s so quiet.  I’m so used to your constant bubbly personality.  Lord knows, Joe makes up for it.  God, his mouth, I wish I could wire his jaw shut.  I’m about ready to pummel him with a whiffle bat. He’s so annoying without you here to keeps the reins on.  Anyways, what I wanted you to know was that I know you said not to come find you, but I wanted to.  Only reason I didn’t is because I wanted to respect your wishes.  I love you sis and I’m worried about you. Please just send me a note back let me know your okay. I won’t push it, but I wanted to let you know how things were and wanted to know you are okay. I love you… email back soon.


Your Nicky

Alex smiles trying not to cry.  Nick was worried.  She didn’t want him to be.  She needed them to understand that she wanted to take care of herself and not being with them.  Sure she missed them too, but she was getting better.  She was happy that the fans didn’t forget her and were supporting her.  She replies back.


            I love you and I miss you so much.  Please understand that I’m fine.  I’m safe, no one is hurting me, and I’m not hurting myself.  I’m sorry for not replying sooner.  But I needed to do this.

            Someone once said this to me, ‘A little bit longer, and I’ll be fine’.  I will be once I am able to move this damn jaw and talk again.

            Tell the fans hi for me and thank you for the love and support that they are giving me.


Your Alex

            Alex sent the email and opens Joe’s.


Men of Honor~ Part 4 of Alexis' Jonas SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now