Ch. 19: Who I Am

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AN: Okay lets try this again... so sorry... here is the CORRECT chapter.....


Chapter 19

Alex and Nick sat in the bus for at least two hours finishing that song.  It was like old times again.

            Alex sang it one last time with Nick and Greg on the bus playing the music for it.

            “This is awesome Nick,” she smiled as he and Greg put down their guitars.

            “Thank you, but it wouldn’t have been done without your help,” Nick told her.

            Greg smiles, “I’m glad that Nick told you first about the project.  He was scared to tell everyone else.”

            “Well, as long as he tells everyone that JB isn’t breaking up, then I know that he’ll have the support,” Alex told them.  She then grins.  “Greg, do you think we could introduce this into the show tonight, if we take something out?”  She looks at Nick.  “If you’re okay with it?”

            “Awww, Alex I’d love that!” he said.  “But we have to clear it with Dad and I’m not sure if that’s gonna work.”

She frowned, “Oh.”

“Plus if we did, I don’t think the band could learn it that fast,” Greg told her.

“Well,” Nick said looking at Greg, “you and I know it,” he said.  “If we can clear it with Dad, we can do an acoustic version and Alex and I can sing together.”

“Nick... this is your song, I can’t sing it, I just sang it for you to hear it,” she told him.

“Then,” he said handing her a tambourine, “At least play with me.”

She laughed, “I wouldn’t know the beats to count on,” she said taking it.

“Then I’ll teach you,” he said.  “I don’t wanna premiere this without you.”

Greg looks at Alex.  “At least sing it with him too.  You two have sung before and it’s beautiful.”

Alex looks at Nick, “You really want me to sing this don’t you.”

            “I do,” he said.  “Please Alex?” he asked like a little kid with a puppy face.

She nods, “Check with the boss first, and I’ll do it.”

“Come with me?” he asked, fear in his eyes.

“We’ll all go,” Greg said.  “That way I can speak for the band too.”

Alex reaches out for his hand.  “I’m in.”

They stood up and headed into the arena and called a family meeting.


As everyone sat down Nick stood up.

“I have an announcement,” he said nervously.

“What’s up Nick?” Kevin asked.

“I have been working with Greg and I’m working on a solo project.”

Everyone was speechless.

“Wow, a solo project,” Denise said.

“I'm not leaving JB, I just wanna work on something on the side, and we have our first song.  Me and Alex wrote it, I’d like to premiere it tonight, if that’s okay Dad?”  Nick was starting to shake.

Men of Honor~ Part 4 of Alexis' Jonas SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now