Ch. 20: F*ing Perfect

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AN: SSSSSSOOOOOOOO sorry everyone... I just had a lot on my plate of homework that I didn't have time to update and too had a rough week I didn't feel like updating.  ANYWAYS... here is the next chapter... a little short... but I MADE SURE it's the CORRECT one and that the chapter didn't DOUBLE either LOL

SO... the video that I choose (mostly the song) is for this chapter and why I choose it for the title of the story... enJOEY!


Chapter 20

            Back in the dressing room, Alex was changing her clothes for the final song as she let the tears fall.  Why can’t she forgive that bitch that almost ruined her brother?  She promised Nick.  She decided to not say anything and let him enjoy Jen’s company.  That’s the best thing to do.

“Alex,” she heard Nick say knocking on the door, “Alex, I’m here,” he said.  “Please talk to me, I’m sorry.”

            Alex came out brushing past him, “Let’s go we have a show to do. We’ll talk later.”

“No, now… please?” he asked.

She spun around.  “Nick.  We have a show to do.  Dad’s already pissed and blaming me for delaying you and the band.”

            “Alex,” he said as she walked away.

He goes to catch up walking to the stage. “I didn’t know she was coming back; please don’t be angry with me.”

The last part was said, as he was being pushed and pulled away, onto the stage entrance platform.  He then had to go out and sing with his brothers for the next song.

Alex turned to look and came face to face with her… Jen.

“I’ll give you a chance Jen, I promised Nick that much.  But if you do come in between this family and him again… you are going to have to face dad and mom,” Alex told her.

“That’s not my intention,” she said.  “Please Alex I would like for us to be friends.”

“I will tell you that I personally don’t make friends easy, and from what I know about you, it’ll take time for me to open up.  I will do it for Nick, since he still loves you.  But give me time.”

“Anything,” she said leaving it alone, backing up she walked away, and went to side of the stage.

Jen watched the brothers perform.  She seemed to light up watching Nick do what he loves to do. She thought that her first talk with Alex didn’t seem so bad, but Alex still didn’t trust her.


            After the show, and a lot of talking with Denise and Paul, Jen would stay on the family bus while Nick and Joe would stay with Derek, Alex, and Kevin and Dani.

            Nick kept his promise and played a few songs that night of the new songs that he wrote with Greg, and Kevin even stepped in and played the songs with Nick too.

            Alex just made sure that she forgot that Jen was on the other bus with mom and dad.  Alex was sitting there when her phone chimed of a text, and she looked down to see that it was from dad.

            “Who is it?” Joe asked as the song got done.

            “Dad,” she said and opens it and starts to read it.

Dad: Alex, one more time you have delayed the boys with one of your tantrums.  I’m done; I’ve had enough.  No more performing for the rest.  You can be with us in the background, but no more singing for you.

Men of Honor~ Part 4 of Alexis' Jonas SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now