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When Regulus entered the prefects compartment he expected to see Lily Evans there as head girl, it made sense but who he didn't expect to see was James Potter standing right next to her their fingers interlocked.

"Reggie so great for you to join us we just started" James said with a indefinable tone.

Regulus rolled his eyes sitting next to Hazel Davies the other slytherin prefect. "Don't call me that"

"Ok anyways" Lily interjected holding a stack of papers

(proceeds to skip meeting because like what even happens at them)

As everone was leaving they picked up their rounds schedual from Lily. When Regulus got his he had most of his rounds with Hazel. He didn't mind her she was a bit overwhelming but she was one of the only people in the school he could tolerate.

"Reggie wait!" James tried to call out but Regulus already walked out of the compartment. James sighed at the missed opportunity to speak to him.

"Are you okay love?" Lily asked rubbing a thumb over his knuckles

James sighed but smiled up at her "Ya don't worry I'm good"

"Dude this guy came in when you were gone and I was ready to undress for him he was so hot like- are you even listening?" Barty hit the top of Regulus' head when he saw that he was zoned out staring at the window.

"Huh?" Regulus asked broken out of his daydream.

"Listen to me dammit!" Barty In a tone very similar to Sirius it almost nostalgic.

"7th year here we come. We gotta make this year out bitch" Sirius said on the carriage ride.

"Sure sweetie" Remus replied in a mocking tone.

James was thinking about Regulus. He couldn't figure out why he was so hurt when he walked away. He felt his hand being squeezed and it broke him out of his thoughts and he gave a forced smile to Lily.

That night James had taken the Marauders Map into his bed with him watching Regulus' name in the slytherin common room. He finally put it away after Regulus went to his dorm.

The next night he had done the same thing and the night after that. He didn't know why he was so focused on one particular name but it didn't stop him from watching that name walk around his common room and up to his dorm every night.

One night in particular though instead of going up to his dorm he left and was walking down the hallway. James immediately jumped out of bed and went to go follow him. Nothing creepy right?

"Where are you going" Sirius asked after watching James get up and try to leave in a hurry.

"Oh uh- no where" James stuttered just wanting to go to Regulus before he went back to his dorm.

"Seeing Lily? Keep it PG" Sirius assumed he was seeing Lily and James didn't deny it almost thanking Sirius for an excuse as he ran out the dorm looking at the map trying to find Regulus' name again.

"Boo!" James whispered in Regulus' ear causing him to jump back against the wall.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Regulus screamed but calmed down when he saw James laughing in front of him. "Seriously Potter?

"Miss me Reggie"

Its 3AM I should probably go to sleep but like no thanks

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