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"Someone in the Order is a traitor" Everyone gasped looking around at eachother, Barty walked up to Regulus putting an arm around his shoulder, "the traitor is Peter Pettigrew"

The Marauders all went wide eyed, everyone was way too quiet, it was awkward... obviously.

"What?" Remus was the first to speak he stared at a death eater who had came in to tell them one of his best friends had betrayed them? There's no way.

"I'm willing to go under veritaserum if you don't believe me, I have people here that I care about and I didn't want their downfall to be trusting someone" Sirius walked up to his brother and hugged him staring cautiously at James.

"Jimmy you alright?" Marlene looked over worried at a hyperventilating James "Sirius? Remus? What's happening" Sirius snapped his head from Regulus to James.

"Fuck- ok he's having a panic attack... what did Effie do?!" Sirius stopped talking when Regulus walked over to James kneeling down next to him.

"Jamie... can I touch you?" James nodded through tears, Regulus reached up to cup his cheek, "breath with me okay? In... out... in... out" People were sat staring at the interaction dumbfounded, few people knowing their history.

James breathing calmed down and he had stopped crying, he and Regulus had been staring at eachtoher for awhile now, the people there too confused to interrupt them.

"Thanks... Reggie" Regulus let out a breath of relief hearing James call him that again. He stood up avoiding eye contact with any of the other Order members.

"So we should go now..." Barty broke the silence walking over to stand beside Regulus, people stared at him for a minute and back to Regulus who was staring at James with a small smile.

"Oh... ya" Regulus walked over and hugged his brother, lingering there as a small goodbye.

"Be safe" Regulus smirked at Sirius.

"Always" and with that him and Barty had apparated away leaving the order confused, and the marauders feeling betrayed, they all knew to trust Regulus if not only the way he offered so quickly to offer veritaserum, but also his interactions with James and Sirius.

"So what do we do about wo- Peter?" Everyone stared at Remus before sitting down to discuss, how do you deal with a traitor, especially one that you've known since you were 11.


I hate my class, they drew a picture of me and my classmate fucking 🤡 I haven't even talked to him since 3rd grade

Just made $100 at my new job woop woop

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