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Regulus' house was pretty uneventful since Sirius left. Apparently a special guest was joining them for dinner but otherwise Regulus just layed on his bed reading.

"Master Regulus you are to get ready the guest will be here soon"

"Thank you Kreacher... do you know who the guest is?"

"I apologize Master Regulus but I am not to say"

Regulus nodded making sure he was presentable before walking down the stairs to the dining room.

"Hello Mother"

"Yes hello Regulus our guest will be here soon" his stoic expression had faltered at the sight of her sadistic smile.

He nodded and walked to the living room to wait for the 'guest'

His waiting was short because there was a knock at the door before Kreacher had let in a man. He was handsome but the way he looked at Regulus made him falter.

"H-hello I'm Regulus" he had put a hand out for the man but he had just walked away from it.

"Yes I'm aware who you are" Regulus got a bad feeling. He couldn't explain it but something about this man had caused Regulus to panic.

"Oh my apologies my lord I didn't know you had arrived" At his mothers words his eyes went wide. 'My Lord' the man in front of him was Voldemort.

Regulus was quite smart he could obviously tell what was going to happen. Why Voldemort was at his house. But how he was gonna get out of it was a more pressing issue.

"Hello Walburga where is your husband we have pressing matters to discuss about your son"

"Oh yes yes I apologize my lord he is in his study. Kreacher go get Orion from his study!" His mother nervous was a confusing sight to see

"Yes mistress" Kreacher appararated away and later returned with Regulus' father. The group sat down at the dining room table all with serious faces.

"Regulus I understand you have pictures of my work in your room correct?" This was a mistake. He had done it so that his parents would believe he's a perfect son not that they'd get him to join fucking Voldemort!

"Oh- uh yes... My lord"

"Amazing, I'm so glad there is young people like you interested in a good cause." Walburga and Orion both had proud smiles on their faces at the praise for their son.

"So Regulus how would you like to join my cause."


I'm going to my Aunt's cabin for a bit so I'm prewritting a bunch of chapters 🤡👍

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