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"Since this is such a big assignment it will count for most of your grade. You will have 10 days too finishing it because it shouldn't take any longer" Regulus was sat in a desk next to Hazel in advanced potions awaiting what the big project would be.

"So for your project you will be making Amortentia... can anyone tell me what that is?"

Regulus and Lily both raised their hands but Lily was faster.

"Yes yes, Lily?"

"Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It causes a powerful infatuation from the drinker. It's said to smell like what you love most." She smiled at James who she was next to before sitting back in her chair.

"Correct Lily! Now I will be making your partners I hope to put as many Gryffindors with Slytherins as I can... house unity and all~" Everyone groaned not wanting to make a love potion with a person they barely knew.

James was zoned out. Thinking about what he would smell in the potion. What does he love most?

"James Potter and Regulus Black" James' focus was back on Slughorn. He beamed at Regulus before looking back to Lily. Who had been looking back at James with a disappointed look.

"Too bad we aren't together..." James nodded but was still beaming about being Regulus' partner

Lily looked at James' smile and sighed. Before grabbing her stuff and going to her partner Mary's desk.

"Oh Reggie~" James walked over and slid his hand on Regulus' waist causing him to yelp (?) and pull away.

"James you get get the ingredients and I'll start on the potion okay?" James smiled before going to grab the starting ingredients for the potion. Stopping at Sirius and Marlene's desk.

"Hey James... You look happy?" Marlene was clearly sad about not being paired up with her girlfriend Dorcas.

Sirius stared at him questioningly "ya Prongs why's that??"

James sighed Sirius has been like this ever since he saw their names together on the map at the astronomy tower. He's got some twisted idea about Regulus having some maniacal plan with James to get back at him.

"Nothing Padfoot I'm just happy- is that so wrong?" Sirius' smile dropped. "Nothing I'm sorry Prongs... can I talk to you after potions?"

"Uh... ya sure??"


I know its cheesy but I'm weak for a good Amortentia scene

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