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"Hey Reg hey... Crouch" Barty smiled at Sirius and Regulus before spotting a guy by the stairs in the common room.

"Welp Reg I see a hot guy so I'm going to go flirt with him and leave y'all to chat" Barty winked at him before walking away.

"Oh so he's-" Regulus nodded.

"As they come" Sirius laughed before dragging Regulus over to his group of friends.

"Reg's plus one here left him so we're going to hang out with him kay?" Everyone nodded Malene and Mary dragging him over to the drink table.

"Hey little Black how would you like to try this" they handed him a random drink in a cup.

"And what is it?" Marlene laughed.

"Oh Little Black so naive just drink it" He grimaced at the cup before he felt a hand wrap around his waist.

"Stop trying to corrupt poor Reggie here" Regulus blushed when James' stuck his pinkie finger in his waistband.

"James!" He jumped out of James' grasp looking worriedly at a shocked Marlene and Mary.

"A slytherin..." Marlene examined a very red Regulus and a smirking James.

Regulus looked at the girls. "Um- I'm gonna take him and... go? Please don't tell Sirius" he grabbed James' hand and dragged him away into a isolated area in the common room.

"James the fuck you think your doing?! Do you want us to get caught?!" James looked up at Regulus frowning.

"Sorry Reggie..." He tried walking up to Regulus to hug him but stumbled and fell into him.

"You're drunk... it's okay let's just get you too your dorm" James tried protesting and dragging Regulus back to the main party but he was too weak when he was drunk.

"It's my party Reggie if I'm not there they'll get suspicious" Regulus shook his head and walked into James' dorm.

"Get in the damn bed James" he sighed pushing James down. James kissed Regulus and started kissing his neck.

"Hey! No... you are drunk, you need sleep." James fell backwards laying down on his bed.

"Fine... sleep with me?" Regulus looked at him and nodded.

"Okay but if we get caught I swear to god James" James beamed at him before bringing him down on the bed with him.


Ha ha ha I'm definitely prepared for next chapter I will not get mad at myself for writing it.

Consider this a peace offering 🧘‍♂️

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