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Regulus was stressed he had his potions project due in a week on top of prefect and captain duties as well as being a death eater? Not fun... especially when a big Gryffindor vs Slytherin match was coming up. Winner was going to throw a party in their common room. Anyone could go.

And as much as winning would benefit the team does Regulus want a party in the only place he can actually relax? Short answer... no.

But alas he was captain and he was gonna try his hardest to win the match. If anything to not feed into James' ego.

"Alright team... this match is one of the most important. We win this we have a solid chance for the quidditch cup so bust your asses because if we don't win this-" Regulus wasn't one for pep talks. If you knew him you would know that his social anxiety is sky high. Ironic he made quidditch captain. "Alright let's go"

(Blah blah blah- *quidditch noises* *cheering*)

"It looks like Black has spotted the snitch! Macdonald on his tail. Oh! McKinnon sent a bludger right for Black. He hasn't noticed it yet!" James panicked the quaffle was right in his hand but he was sat in the sky watching a bludger head right for Regulus.

"Black came in and knocked the bludger away from younger Black! Awww shucks brotherly love" Regulus looked to Sirius and smiled slightly at him.

"Just doing my job Reg" and he zoomed away.

(*more quidditch noises*)


Regulus hopped off his broom sighing. He didn't have the mental energy to go to a party.

"Heyyy Reggie~ see you at the party tonight?" James had his arm on Regulus' head.

Regulus moved off of James crossing his arms "no you will not I'll be in my room"

James frowned looking forward to seeing Regulus. That was the only reason he'd really go to the slytherin common room even if all his friends were going.

"Please Reggie!! I'll be so lonely without you there"

"Ugh fine whatever but the second I get bored I'm leaving"


I just found out I go back to school on my birthday (august 31st) like wtf- you couldn't have waited untill September?!?!

That's all I prewrote!!! I gotta start writing a bunch more chapters now 😩🙏

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