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Regulus woke up with a pounding head ache. He went to push himself off his bed when he felt something restricting his movement. He opened his eyes coming face to face with James Fucking Potter.

"What the fuck-" His movement made James wake up slightly. He looked around panicked before remembering last night. He looked at a panicked and red Regulus before sitting up.

"Nothing happened don't worry- you were drunk so I brought you upstairs and you told me to stay with you... I must've fallen asleep" Regulus turned impossibly more red also sitting up. The curtains were drawn around his bed. But it was quite late so his dorm mates were probably at breakfast or with Madame Pomfrey getting a hangover relief potion.

"Oh- okay thanks James... I didn't do anything stupid last night right- I can get super honest when I'm drunk" James turned red at that remembering what Regulus had said the night before. He shook his head slightly causing Regulus to sigh in relief.

"But I do quite like the nickname Jamie" James smirked at Regulus' red face before getting out of bed "Anyways I should get going Reggie before gryffindor tower realizes I'm gone" He smiled at Regulus before checking outside the curtains and walking out.

"WALK OF SHAME JIMMY WALK OF SHAME" Everyone was oo'ing when James had walked into the common room wearing clothes from the previous night.

"Fun night with Lily ay Jimmy" Marlene had walked up to him and nudged his shoulder.

"James where were you? When I went to your dorm last night you weren't there-" Lily stopped walking when she saw everyones wide eyes in the common room staring at her. She looked at James at the entrance and his clearly slept in clothing from last night.

"...oh" Lily was stood still she was clearly hurt. Everyone was watching the scene with wide eyes and slack jaws. Marlene who was still stood beside James turned to him with a shocked face.

"Hey Prongs" Peter had walked down the stairs but had paused at the scene in front of him. Lily at the bottom of the stares silent and staring at James along with the rest of the common room. "What happened?"


I couldn't handle Jily anymore I didn't want James to cheat on her with Reggie I couldn't hurt my wife like that

Shout out to bestie kiji_yoon for making me post all these new chapters

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