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James was sat at the gryffindor table in the great hall. His gaze focused on a certain slytherin who had been reading a book. Regulus caught his gaze and gave small smile. James winked before turning back to Remus who was smirking at him.

"So Prongs... seeing anyone new?" James glared at Remus before shaking his head.

"Nope if I was you guys would be the first too know." Sirius stared at James for a bit before shaking his head and returning to his conversation with Marlene.

"Oh please Jimmy you gotta at least have the hots for someone why else would you break up with Lily" Everyone went silent when Mary had said that, they were all staring at Lily who was now looking down at her food. "Oh- sorry Lily"

James realized he did kinda leave them with no answers to why they broke up.

"Um- I just realized I loved the idea of being with Lily more than Lily herself... And- I kinda do fancy someone" Everyone's eyes widened waiting for him to continue but he didn't, only looking over at the slytherin table again.

"Well spit it out Jimmy!" Marlene had followed James' gaze to the slytherin table aswell.

"Um... he's a slytherin"

"Blimey Prongs a slytherin?"

"What do you mean 'a slytherin?!' I think you meant to ask 'He?!?!'" James was nervous to come out. He knew they'd exept him, they had accepted Sirius, Remus, Marlene, Dorcas, and Mary but it was still nerve wracking.

"Welcome to the queer community!!" Marlene started rummaging through her bag for one of her rainbow hogwarts pin to hand over to James.

James smiled at them looking over at Regulus who had been watching the interaction from across the hall. He smiled at him showing off the pin he just received from Marlene. Regulus smiled back giving him a small thumbs up.

"Prongs mate you listening?" James turned back to Sirius who had been theorizing with the others about which slytherin he was looking at.


Mary chuckled placing a hand on her chest. "Oh our Jimmy so in love!" Everone had put their hands on their chests as well.

"So grown up!"

"What will we do when Prongs leaves us for his slytherin lover!!"

"Oh shut up you guys I'm not leaving y'all for anyone"


I needed a coming out scene thank you very much.

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