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The first quidditch game of the season and of course it was Gryffindor vs Slytherin both Regulus and James being Captains their late night talks turned into bets on who would win.

"Prongs mate are you ready to obliterate slytherin Reg won't see our team coming!" Sirius was also hoping they'd win, not for any reason in particular he just wanted to beat Regulus.

As captain he had to give a pep talk to his team which was pretty easy for him. "Alright team we got this we all practiced over the summer and have amazing plays, just remember to watch out for Reggie- Regulus he is a bloody amazing seeker"

The whole team left but Sirius hung back "Prongs- what's going on with you and my brother"

James sputtered. "Nothing I don't know what you mean" Why did James care so much if he knew? It's not like they're dating the just have casual rendezvous at the top of the Astronomy tower every night where they open up to eachother more than they has their entire lives- oh that's why.

Both team captains went up to shake hands Regulus winking at James with a death grip on his hand before turning to mount his broom. James stood for a minute making sure to engrave Regulus winking in his brain forever before walking to his broom. Madame Hooch waseft confused after the interaction but went to get the game started.

(Ya no I'm not writing a quidditch scene)

Regulus had finally caught the snitch. He dismounted his broom causing his whole team to run over and hug him. Regulus didn't like hugs really but decided this was an appropriate occasion.

He saw James walking to the change room alone and ran after him.

"Amazing game huh" Regulus was smirking while leaning against the door frame.

"Ya no kidding Mary was so close to catching the snitch before you!" James wasn't mad or anything he was actually quite proud of Regulus for winning his first game as captain.

"So when are you going to uphold your part of the bet"

I prewrote like 5 chapters to post but this is my last one so I gotta start writing again....

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