When they get drunk

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She would become a lot more chattier than usual and spend most of her time just chatting to anyone about. She also becomes slightly more rude to everyone and will usually come up with an insult or two as well. You have had to drag her away from multiple people to make sure that she didn't go to bed looking like the walking dead.


He doesn't react well with alcohol and before it can even get into his system, he is usually puking everywhere. Due to this, he doesn't drink and instead watches and films everyone else getting drunk.


He would be the craziest out of them all and would be that one guy dancing on tables or taking any dares thrown at him. He would also probably be a lot more confident in his abilities when drunk and try to do something stupid like jumping off of the roof or drink every single drink the bar sells.


He gets real tired real quickly and would usually just stay at the bar, dozing or something only to be woken up by either someone else who is drunk, King Dice or you trying to get him back to his room. He'd also have no spatial awareness and would bang into everything.


 She would get extremely flirty to anyone about and before you two started dating, every morning she would wake up in someone else's bed (usually one of the other workers) However once the two of you started dating, she would usually test your limits and try and interest you in a night of pleasure.


He wouldn't understand his limits with alcohol and would most likely get the most drunk. He would basically become a hyena and giggle practically every minute. He would also become extremely generous and clingy to you. It would be surprising to see him not clinging onto to you.

Hocus Pocus

Oh boy this rabbit. He would go absolutely ballistic and would act insane. He would dart about the casino and prank as many people as he could. He would also get aggressive without intending to and would usually accidently hurt one person at least every time he is drunk. You would need to keep him away from anything sharp.

King Dice

He can usually keep down a lot of drinks without becoming insane however certain demonic beverages can get to him. In these cases, two different scenarios would occur depending on the alcohol. He would either get extremely emotional or extremely generous and buy the whole house a drink or two. The second option is usually the one that occurs.


The only way for him to get drunk is with demonic beverages of which he usually reacts in a similar way to Dice however instead of being generous, he would become extremely aggressive and emotional at the same time which is just a ticket for disaster. You are usually recommended to stay away from him if he gets too drunk for your own safety.

Edit: This was requested by Xxlittle_mileyxx. I recommend you check her account out. She does content based on Little Kelly and other stuff.

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