I don't know what to call this-

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This chapter is about who would take control when it came to sexual stuff, it is also properly the most NSFW thing I am going to write any time soon (unless I get a random burst of confidence). I don't know what to call it so I am probably going to use terms like 'top' and 'bottoms' just to make it somewhat easier.

I apologize in advance for this-

Dot: Bottom

She would be all bratty and confident in public however underneath that façade she would 100% be a bottom. She might try and take control but would completely struggle with doing it properly (however you can define properly as)

Pip: Top

He is equally as confident in public as he is in the sheets. If you wanted to switch it up from time to time though he is quite happy to do so!

Chips: Switch

While yes, he can take control when it comes to sex, he also is perfectly fine with being a bottom and would probably ask to switch it up from time to time. He probably would also be fine with a range of different kinks too.

Wheezy: Switch

Whilst for the most part he would probably be a top, when tired or just exhausted after a long day, he would 100% prefer for someone to just take complete control as a way of relieving from the stress. 

Pirouletta: Power Bottom

She would be somewhat controlling in terms of telling you exactly how to do it and she isn't afraid to correct or tell you when she is not feeling the pleasure she desires. She would also not be afraid to be a top from time to time.

Mangosteen: Bottom

He would have absolutely no idea how to do certain stuff properly so if he was to be the one penetrating, he would probably need you to tell him whether he was doing it right and reassure him.

Hocus Pocus: Switch

He would be kinky, perfectly fine with trying out all kinds of stuff from ropes to wax.  (can you hear me slowly losing my will to live over here?)

King Dice: Switch

Probably the same sort of thing as Wheezy. Top most of the time but when stressed he would just want to become putty into someones touch.

Devil: Top

I mean you can try and convince him to bottom if you really want but I doubt it would actually work. 

Yeah I am sorry for this -

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