Your first date

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(I know we have Halloween first and this image has nothing to do with the story but I couldn't stop myself.)


She took you on a date to a posh restaurant where the two of you had a nice meal before she took you to watch the fireworks. Everything was normal until a certain firework popped up. It was a heart with a domino and you next to it. 


He took you to the local funfair where the two of you had a blast at playing some of the games and going on a few rides. You also got to eat all sorts of food that was there, like ice cream and donuts (Whatever food you like, I don't judge)


He took you to an American Diner where the two of you joked around. Afterwards, he took you back to his place. The two of you talked about all sorts from drama with the other employees to your favorite movies.


He took you to a cinema where you watched your favorite movie. He payed for you to get any snack you wanted and you two enjoyed the movie. You then proceeded to talk about the movie as you walked back to the Casino.


She took you to watch a play or two which you actually really enjoyed. She would glow up every time one of the actors did something great. Afterwards, you took her to a café where you spent the rest of your time enjoying the peace away from the Casino.


He took you to the local park while you were blindfolded before showing you the picnic that he set up. For the rest of the day, the two of you just sat there, laughing and just relaxing without any stress at all.

Hopus Pocus

He took you to a circus! You would watch people dance about on the tightrope, clowns doing all sorts of hilarious skits and best of all, you would watch the magician do some amazing stunts with some of the audience members.

King Dice

He took you to a 5 star restaurant that the Devil owned. The two of you had a nice meal before you two headed to the park where you met him for the second time. You just walked about, talking about all sorts.


He took you to Hell for a day so that you could watch people suffer due to the sins they caused when they were on Earth. He also took you to an ice-cream stand that was back on Earth. He got kind off annoyed when they didn't give him any good flavors.

Edit: 03/10/2021 (all the stories prior to this were also edited on the same day)

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