What you get them for their birthday

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You got her this expensive necklace that you found. She absolutely loved it and has not took it off ever since. Apart from when in the shower or in bed.

 Apart from when in the shower or in bed

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You got him a book with all sort of prank ideas. You two spent the next few nights reading through them and deciding which ones would be good enough to do on some of the workers. That week was hell for all of the other workers.


You got him a personalized cow boy hat which he completely loved. He started to wear the hat at work and most people actually complimented it. Soon, the seller that you bought the hat from became rich.


You decided to mess with him by making it look as if you just got him some cigars. After work however you took him outside to see what you actually got him, which was a jeep. That night, Wheezy was extremely affectionate.

 That night, Wheezy was extremely affectionate

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You got her some new shoes which suited her more than the other ones did. You also got her a whole new wardrobe of clothes. At first she didn't say anything, which scared you. That was until she lunged at you, shouting 'Thank You'


You got him a bottle of his favorite alcohol and a bunch of movies that he had always wanted. You both spent that night watching a few of them before getting as drunk as hell. The hangover in the morning sucked however it was worth it.

Hopus Pocus

You got him a new outfit along with a chainsaw. He had always asked you for one so you finally got him one which annoyed every one else. He was sensible with it however and only used it for magic tricks. At least that was all he used it for in the beginning.

King Dice

You got him a different colored suit to mess with him (maybe an orange or like an lime green). He did try it on and wore it for one day before completely ditching it. That was when you gave him your real present, which was a bunch of cards robots that could move about.


He doesn't celebrate his birthday much and there isn't anything that you could really give him anyway.

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