Pet Peeve

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So this isn't the actual story, I just wanted to say something that has really been annoying me while writing this story. I wanted to write this down so that I could at least not have to keep getting as annoyed at it so here we go....

I hate having to spell Hopus Pocus instead of Hocus Pocus.

It is such a small difference but completely annoys the hell out of me! Tell me that I am not the only one who gets annoyed by that.

Also, while I am here, I just wanted to add some random information to this book. The first piece is the image I used above is absolutely adorable. I found it and literally stared at it non stop for like 10 minutes.

The next thing is actually something to do with the story. I don't have a plot, I am just going off what I believe the characters are like outside the game so sorry if that annoys you. 

And I do believe that is all. I hope you have a splendid night or day and farewell!


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