19 - beware of minato's kids

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"You got this!"

Obito, Rin, and Y/n entered the doors of the exam building. It was a moment they'd all take in before officially walking in. They weren't too nervous because it was almost certain they passed if they didn't die. There was a war and they needed men to draft onto the front lines. The only scary part was passing. You pass and you're already moved onto taking someone else's life for the sake of peace in your home. Y/n doubted to feeling of peace when you've soiled your hands. As a shinobi, it might have been a meaningless thought because it was what you supposed to do. Combat for the greater sake of the world. Y/n, however, had a fear of coming to that point of handling someones fate with your own two hands. Could she really be capable of doing that?

"Yo, yo!" Guy called from the other side of hall with his team. "You're all here!"

"Yeah, you guys too, huh?" Obito asked, keeping the team distance.

Guy only smiled smugly at the boy, perhaps comparing their team. Everyone seemed to think that the only good assets on their team was Kakashi and their teacher, Minato. Obito wondered why. He was an Uchiha free from the curse of hatred, Rin was a normal girl who could heal like a medical ninja already, and Y/n who could do anything flawlessly. They were strong even without Kakashi or Minato. Guy should know that out of everyone. They were on a joint mission together and he was part of the assault unit with half of their team. Guy was the only member of his team on that unit, it showed something, so Obito didn't know why he acted so snobbish.

"Listen, whatever intimidation technique you have going on," Rin crossed her arms, standing next to Obito with an even meaner face than Guy. "It's lame, and we're more than you can chew, so don't act like you're the better team."

Y/n rolled her eyes, grabbing both her teammates by the hand and walked away. "There's no use having a stare contest with people who think lowly of us. They aren't the ones we need to impress," Her eyes following the Hokage who was being escorted to his observation room, she presumed. "He is."

"Okay," Rin sighed, looking back at the boys then back at Y/n. "But we can let them think that they're better than us! They look at us like we're meat to chew!"

"Yeah!" Obito agreed. "No way some beast face is stronger than me!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Y/n sighed, leading them to the first part of the exam. "But we can show that later. Right now, the only thing you should be thinking about is passing this first part."

Y/n stopped in front of a big door. Genin flowed in filling the seats of the room. The three glanced seeing kids even younger than them entering. Y/n sighed feeling her stomach drop at the amount of people. She let go of her teammates hands, before entering.

"Good luck!" She smiled nervously at Obito and Rin, entering the room.

"Y/n, wait!" Obito followed after her, Rin trailing him.

Obito looked around him as others seemed to size him up and down as he passed by. He had never felt so small before. Why was everyone else so tall? He looked down at the head of Y/n's and wondered if she felt intimidated by everyone's height as well. If she was, she was good at hiding it because she walked past everyone like it was nothing. Obito reached for her hand, but instead he caught someone else's.

"You trying to pull a move on me pretty boy?" Some Kakashi lookalike  glared him down.

"As if!" Obito blurted, irked by the fact that he had grabbed someone else's hand that looked like Kakashi. "Y-You're not special!"

Before the taller Kakashi look alike could do anything to Obito, Y/n stepped in front of him. "He's sorry," She smiled apologetically before pushing Obito and Rin farther away from him.

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