4 - Obito Uchiha, an idiot

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After Class

The trio or what looked like a Quadruple, walked out to the courtyard. " Kakashi, Do you want to join today? " Rin asked. Y/n looked at Obito. " When did we talk about this? " Y/n asked in a very quiet tone. " Oh yeah, Rin is joining us, but is bad? I thought you liked RIn. " Obito said. Y/n shook her head. " It's fine, I just wish you had told me. " She said. 

" So were you two listening? " Kakashi asked. Y/n and Obito looked their way.  " Huh? " Y/n asked, obviously not paying attention. " Kakashi will be joining us. " Rin said, with her usaul smile. Obito scowled at Kakashi.  He grabbed Y/n's sleeve, dragging her. " I have a hand " Y/n said. " Y/n! You must help me ! " Obito said, putting his hands on her shoulders. " With Ninjustu? Alright! " Y/n said walking away.

" N-no! With- " Obito said before getting interrupted by Y/n. " Obito is it! " She shouted. " W-wait WHAT!!?? " He asked. " We're playing kick the can! " Rin said, who was now surrounded by several kids. " Ok fine! " Obito said. I'll prove to Rin that I'm so much better than Kakashi! , He said to himself.

After several rounds, Obito was still it. " Saving my friends no matter what, That's my SHinobi way! " Kakashi said, from behind Obito. " No Way! " Obito said as Kakashi kicked the can. He looked at Y/n.

Y/n ran to Obito. " Looks like he beat you again, Obito. " She said. " I Know. He's still a show off. " HE said. " It's fine. C'mon it's time to go home " She grabbed his hand and smiled. He look at Rin who was totally under Kakashi's spell. When did she like him? " Do want to walk home with Rin instead? " Y/n asked. 

" Huh? " Obito asked. Y/n pulled her hand away and Marched to Kakashi and Rin. " Hatake! " She shouted. Kakashi turned his head to look at her. " Let me guess you want to me to fight Obito? " He guessed. Y/n shook her head. " Come walk home with me! I'll protect you from those crazy fangirls! " She said. " I have to go home straight away. " Kakashi said. She grabbed his hand. " I'll walk you home. Shall we go now? " She asked. Even though she asked, she didn't wait for his answer and walked away with him.

" See you tomorrow Obito! " She yelled. " What are you doing? " Kakashi asked. " Walking you home. Obviously. " Y/n replied. " I get that but why. " He asked. " Because, I'm helping Obito, Okay? Trust me I don't want to walk with you either. " She said quickly. 

" Did you have you make it that dramatic though? " Kakashi questioned. Y/n laughed. " Maybe? " She said. " You're weird. " He said. " How? " She asked. She wasn't sure how she was weird. She thought she like any normal girl. " I don't get how you're still friends with someone like Obito. " He told her.

" So? I think he's fine. Sometimes he's annoying, but overall he's a nice boy. " Y/n answered, " He's always late because he's popular amongst the elderly people. ". " Mm. " Kakashi said. " That's all? Mm? " Y/n asked. " What's the big deal? I just said Mm. I wasn't being mean. " He spoke.

After sometime and agruing.

" That's my home. See you tomorrow, Y/n " Kakashi said. He waved at her before entering his house. " Bye...Kakashi " Y/n said and waved. 

As she started for her own home she heard foot steps. " Haha! I've found Y/n! " The person behind her said. She turned seeing Obito. " Oh Hi Obito! How was your time with Rin? " Y/n asked. Obito looked at her with confusion. " Wha? " He asked. " You IdioT! I walked with kakashi just for you and Rin to talk and you didn't even talk to her!? " Y/n shouted.  " Oh, I didn't know... "He said, scratching his head. 

Kakashi watched the two from his window. It sounded creepy but it was funny to watch the two. They argued alot for best friends. Kakashi never really had  " friends ". He always counted them as aqantainces. If Kakashi were to be honest, he would like to have Obito and Y/n as friends. They seemed like a fun duo. 

" C'mon, Obito let's walk home together. " Y/n said. " But you just walked home with Kakashi. " Obito said. " So? That proves nothing. C'mon Obisho " She said, nudging his forearm. " What kind of Nickname is that? " Obito asked. " Shush! I'm still working on it " Y/n said, crossing her arms. Obito laughed. 

The Next Day

Y/n was reading a book when she saw Kakashi walking by." Hey, Kakashi! " Y/n called out of her window.  " Hm? " He asked. " Have you seen Obito? He wasn't here this morning. " Y/n said. " No, I don't. Ask Rin. " Kakashi said. Y/n jumped out her window to join him. " Where are you going? " She asked. " Grocery Shopping. " He answered.

" You want to Join? " Kakashi asked. " Oh, uh sure! " Y/n said. They walked to the market looking for the food on Kakashi's list. " Your dad sends you on these errands? " She asked. " Yeah, you have any errands? " He question. " No. I live alone. My parents...um I never met them. " She told him. " I see. ".

" Don't get that tomato. See, it's all dried up. " Kakashi said, taking the tomato away from Y/n. She picked out another one, but that one was rejected as well. " Do you even know how to shop? " Kakashi asked. " Uh, yeah! I shop with Obito and his grandma all the time! " Y/n said.      " I've never met a girl who does know what's fresh and what not. " Kakashi snorted. " It's not my fault! " She said, a bit agitated.

After a few hours of shopping

" Thanks for letting me join you, Kakashi. " Y/n said and returned home. She took off her sandals. She looked out her window. Obito....is still not home?, She thought. After awhile she began to worry. It was starting to rain, so she head out for Obito.

I hope he's okay...

She went to the training grounds. There was Obito. " Wow he's really serious about this Rin thing. ". " Obito! " Y/n shouted. " Huh? " He said and fell down. Y/n rushed to him. " Are you okay? " She asked. HE switched his position. " Yeah! I just slipped. " He said rubbing his head. " Sorry. " She apologized. " No it's fine! " He said. " Come on! I want to show you want I've been practicing. " Obito said and grabbed her hand.

" Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu! " He recited and performed...well averagely. Y/n clapped and smiled. " Good job Obito! " She said. " I knew I was going to impress you! " HE said, smiling. " Why are you practicing in the rain though? " She asked. " I want to surpass Kakashi! That Idiot needs to be placed in his own lane! " HE said. " Why not surpass the Hokage? " Y/n asked. 

" Oh yeah well, first I should beat my rivial first then I should surpass hokage! It's not a an easy job! " Obito told her. Y/n smiled. " Here. I packed you lunch. I also brought us an umbrella! " She said. " Oh thank You! " HE said and grabbed one of the bentos. 

After eating

" Thanks, Y/n now I need to practice somemore! " Obito said, standing up. Y/n stood and grabbed his hand. " No. You've had enough practice. IT's time to go home. " She said. " But- " Obito tried to talk, but was only cut off.  " It's been raining! You'll get sick and you won't be able to train! " She said.

" Come on. " SHe said and helped him up. " Thanks Y/n. " Obito said. " Oh your welcome. " She responded and smiled. " You keep saying thanks, something wrong? " She asked. " Oh No. I just don't express my graditude to you, you know? " He said, " So I just want to show you that I actually care. ". Y/n smiled. " Well, you sound like Kakashi. " She joked. " What!? I was trying to be nice! And this is the thanks I get? " Obito asked. " I was joking! " Y/n said. 

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