21 - the separation, an introduction

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trigger warning: mentions of war, violence

a/n: this series isn't funny anymore lmao sorry. enjoys :ppp.

Three years passed, but the war simply just raged on, even with the best efforts of Konoha's resilience. Enemies refused peace talks and treaties until the very end. Therefore, there wasn't a single person who had seen peers they grew up with, even team 7. There was Rin who was on the frontlines as a medical ninja. She was surrounded by wounded and overworked until nightfall. Obito was in enemy lands with his own unit, most of them still intact, but he had a few comrades who were lost along the way. Kakashi was an Anbu Black Ops now. He was doing the best he could to keep the war in their favor.

Then there was Y/n, who was part of the strategist team. She provided all the plans and action for war. Yelling across tables and debating the big decisions for the sake of their village and everyone who served at the foot of it. Some of the people she grew up with may have called her cowardly for staying back and not joining them on the battle field, but it was where she was needed. Her analysis of the battlefield was found impressive in her chunin examinations and Minato had recommended her for the position. Of course, with the busyness of the war her days with Obito and Rin were scarce. No one saw Kakashi for 3 years.

"Y/n," Minato called for her, opening the door to the Hokage's office.

"You called for me to come in early?" Y/n asked, checking the clock on the wall.

"Y/n, I have summoned you to discuss important issues regarding the strategy division," The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, sat in his chair, facing his big window that displayed the village.

Y/n placed her folder down on the desk and
straightened her posture. She cleared her throat and her eyes narrowed on the glass ball the hokage's often used to have a closer look into the village. "And what might that be?"

"To put it gently, they doubt you," The Hokage turned, looking into her eyes with a sharp examination of the emotion on her face, which she held up seriously. "And they want you off the team."

"Off the team?" Y/n repeated her eye brow couldn't help but raise in irritation. "They have yet to consider my strategies, they have only approved of one so far, and it was the most impactful decision we have made throughout this whole war."

"That's a bold statement Y/n," The Hokage leaned into his desk. "They say you're too young, you lack any real experience on the battle field. 6 months in battle is not enough to know how to win."

Y/n wish she could sigh, but it would be inappropriate in this manner. There was no real reason, other than disappointment and she couldn't say that she was even if it was the most natural reaction to something like this. There was no fighting it. She was off the strategist team. She found it annoying that the old pricks could overrule her any time, just because they didn't trust her. It boiled her blood and made her skin itch all around.

"So where do you want me?" She asked, maintaining her steady seriousness.

"On the team," The Third answered, a little chuckle at the end that irked Y/n.

"So you're allowing me to be strategist?" Y/n questioned again, agitated.

"Well, if we're up to me," The Hokage turned in his chair again. "But I'm going to have to let you go. They said you needed more experience, so that's where you will be after today."

"Their say overrules you?" Y/n's tone had come off more aggressive than she anticipated.

"In a situation like this, yes. We are at war, Y/n. I cannot allow for anymore disorder to happen within our village. If the majority believe you are not ready and qualified, I must take their word seriously," The Hokage answered, turning the slightest to look at Y/n who was silently fuming.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2022 ⏰

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