10 - a filler chapter????

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Obito yawned as he looked around for Y/n. " She must be sleeping still..." He murmured.  He came to her house and shouted out, " Y/n! It's me Obito! ". Y/n peered out of her window and greeted Obito with a glare. " Shut up, will ya? Jeez, are dying or something? " She yelled. 

Y/n came out the door and asked him, " What do want? ". 

" Dang, when did you get mean? Did Kakashi brainwash you? " Obito snickered.

Y/n rolled her eyes. " Yeah, he did and he said You should go away because I'm busy. " She responded. 

" what are doing? I can help. " Obito asked. " Oh sure, you can carry my clothes to nearest river. " Y/n said, going inside. 

Y/n took out a basket with clothes. " Here.Go take it to the river by the training grounds. " She shoved the basket toward him and went back inside. " Agh, why did I agree to this now I need to walk. " Obito mumbled. 

Then, Kakashi appeared. " Obito, where's Y/n? " He asked. Obito looked at him doubtfully. " Why? " Obito asked, squinted his eyes. Kakashi made his " I'm- annoyed - so - I'm- gonna-ignore - you " face and left. Obito felt the sudden urge to go to Y/n's house once again.

Obito ran as fast as he could, eventually passing Kakashi. He reached Y/n's house out of breath. " Oh you're back, Obito. That was fast, thanks for doing my job. " Y/n said, patting his shoulder. " Y/n, ugh, lets...go. " He panted.

" Huh? No, I'm staying here I need to fold my laundry." Y/n said. " Nah, come with me. " Obito said. Y/ n sighed. " okay " She said. 

They washed the clothes at the river side. Y/n hung the last shirt on her laundry line. " That's the last of it. " She said. " Obito? " She asked. Obito stood in river looking at the water.

 "Look,Y/n! There's a fish! " He said, pointing.

" What really? " She asked leaning over. 

Obito tugged her shirt, making her fall in the water. " Agh! Cold! " She yelled. Obito laughed at her. " Haha! You're so gullible! " He said. Y/n glared at him and splashed water on him. " Ah! " He shouted.

Y/n snickered. Obito pulled her into the water again, but she pulled him as well. Obito spat out the water like a fountain. The two kids laughed sitting in the water. They tackled each other into the water. 

" Hah, Obito you're soft! " She said, when he went out of the water. " C'mon Y/n, you'll get sick. " Obito said, shivering. " I guess you're right. Go get the towels. " Y/n said point to her basket. 


After waving Obito goodbye, she spotted Kakashi in front of her house. " What the hell are you doing? ," She asked. " Where were you? " He asked. " Doing laundry. " Y/n answered, pushing him out of the way.

" How come you didn't tell me? I could've helped you. " He said. " Oh, Obito helped me. I didn't know you were coming. But I'm done now. Anyways, good night! " She said and closed the door. Kakashi looked at Obito who happened to be walking by with Rin. He scowled at the two and walked off.

A/n: Omg, guys thank you so much for 1k views 😭😭😭😭😱! I appreciate all of you people who read my chapters of cringe. I promise that I'll try harder to update. 

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