3 - Damn that Uchiha

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Y/n woke up and removed any pieces of hair stuck in her mouth. She yawned as she stretched. " Hm? No, Obito? " She said. She whipped herself up and got ready. She briskly brush her teeth and combed her hair. She splashed water on her face and quickly got out of the bathroom. She open her closet and rushed herself into her clothes. After skipping breakfast, she walk faster than her normal pace. 

Damn that Uchiha , She thought. She bumped into someone who was definetly not Obito. " OH Sorry " She apologized. " For what? " The stranger asked, " For bothering me yesterday or for bumping into me? ". Y/n gulped and realzed it was, " That jerk ".  SHe giggled nervously. " K-kakashi, I wasn't expecting you to be here! " She asked. She pretended to look around. " Oh, Where's obito? Hahaha " She said, waiting for him to go.

Kakashi only stared at her. " What are you doing? " HE asked. Y/n froze. " WAiting for Obito. " She responded. " Yeah, right. HE left already. Did you not check his house? " Kakashi asked. " How do you know? You've been stalking him? " Y/n asked, tilting her head.

Kakashi stuttered, " Uh-No! I just happened to passed by. ". Y/n cackled. " Heehee, you loser " . Kakashi glare at her for saying such words. Y/n continued to walk along the sidewalks. She kicked a rock. " Hm, this would fun if obito was here. " SHe said, looking ahead. " Is all you ever talk about Obito? "  A voice asked again. 

" Kakashi!! Stop following me! " Y/n shouted. Kakashi rolled his eyes. " Yeah right. Like anyone would want to follow you. We're going to the same place. " HE said and passed by her. " Oh, I thought you took a different route. " Y/n said, walking faster to catch up. " No... " He replied. 


After walking together, they saw Obito and RIn. " OBITO! " Y/n shouted. " Huh? Oh, hi Y/n and- " Obito gulped. You're Kidding.  Y/n and Kakashi!? Together?! , He thought. He couldn't believe his eyes. He rubbed them to make sure he wasn't dreaming. He ran to Y/n and whispered loudly, " I thought we agreed that we hated him! ". Y/n looked at Obito like he had gone mad. 

Kakashi looked at the two, secretly judging them. " You know I can hear you. " He said. " SHUT UP! " They both said and continued whispering. Rin appeared out of nowhere, or atleast that's what it seemed like to Kakashi. " So, those two are having a fit with you again? " She asked. Kakashi looked to his side to see a smiling girl. " I guess. " He said.

It didn't take long for girls to come and praise Kakashi. They rushed to him gushing all over him. To Obito and Y/n it was disgusting. After all, they were trampled by them. " What's so important about him?! " Y/n asked adjusting her shirt. 

" I know! Y/n you are such smart person! " Obito said. Y/n blushed and smiled. " Thanks for the praise! " SHe said. " Hey, you didn't let me finish. You're a smart person, but not as smart as me! " Obito said, laughing. Y/n frown and kick his shin. Obito inhaled deeply before yelling at Y/n and telling her how much it  hurts. " Okay, Okay... sorry " She said. 

In Class

" Obito? " Y/n asked, " Are you still mad at me? ". Obito huffed and looked away. Y/n sighed and looked away. " OBitooooooo  " Y/n cooed. " What?! " He asked fiercely. " Let's go sit next to Rin " Y/n said and smiled at him. His face lit up and grabbed Y/n hand. " Let's go!! " he said and pulled her up. " Okay, wait. " Y/n said. 

They both went to see Rin but their Jaws hit the ground from what they just saw. " NO WAY!!! " They said together. Rin talking to Kakashi?! " How? What?! " Y/n said. " Y/n I thought you were my best friend! Why did you plan this with Kakashi?! " Obito asked. " What do you mean?! I wasn't planning anything with Kakashi! " Y/n defended herself.

" Oh you didn't? Then why did you bring me up here? " Obito asked. " Because I wanted to cheer you up! " Y/n said. " Why? " He asked, confused. " Idiot, because you were mad at me. " She explained. Obito smiled. " Ya didn't have to do that. I was pretending to be mad, Actually. " He said, scratching his head.

 " He said, scratching his head

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[ Look at this cute ass kid ]

Y/n's eyebrow twitched in anger. " You - Argh " She huffed. " You make so frustrated sometimes! " She said, stomping her foot on the ground. " But you still love me " Obito teased. " Shut up, Uchiha! Just be thankful I'm not beating you up today. "  Y/n said, pointing at him.

Rin looked at Y/n and Obito. " Don't you think they're so cute together? " She asked Kakashi. Kakashi looked at the two. " They look...angry. " Kakashi said. Rin giggled. " That's funny " She said. She looked at the two with admiration. Kakashi looked at her. Does she really think that those two are nice kids? , Kakashi thought. " RIn... " Kakashi  mumbled. " Hm? " She asked, switching her gaze to him. 

" Do you.... " Kakashi asked, a little embarrassed, " like Obito? ". He had a slight blush but it was barley noticable. Rin blushed and looked flustered. " Um, Actually., I had someone else in mind. " She answered. Kakashi couldn't tell if she was lying or not. She seemed pretty serious about her response, but she also seemed like she likes Obito.

" It's not like you could beat me up anyways! " Obito said. Y/n hit the top of his head. " I kicked your shin today and you cried! So shut up! " She said.  Obito voice echoed through the classroom. " OWWWWWWWWWW! " He cried. 

A sweatdrop formed on Kakashi face. I thought he learned his lesson... , He said to himself. Once again,  Obito was sulking and being angry at Y/n and Y/n was begging for forgiveness. Why does Rin admire these kids?  

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