15 - finally! a date!

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Kakashi and Rin both walked together awkwardly, while Obito and Y/n we're plotting behind their backs. It didn't take Y/n and Obito long to catch up. Y/n was furious with Kakashi for ruining her plans and decided to accelerate her process of causing him pain. It wasn't anything serious, she just kicked his butt, leaving a dusty print of the bottom of her shoe on his dark pants. 

In result, Kakashi told her to back off and that he didn't like her. "Be quiet! You're as guilty as me!" Y/n shouted, poking his forehead. They started arguing over nothing and starting throwing their hands at each other (lmao cAtCh tHeSe hAnDs kAkAsHi). Y/n started by pulling his shirt and Kakashi acted by placing his hand on her shoulder trying to push her away while pulling her cheek.

"Evil demon! Begone!" Y/n cursed.

"Eat my wrath, you angry gorilla!" Kakashi responded.

Obito giggled quietly. For once, Kakashi and him agreed. Y/n was a gorilla! Rin sighed annoyed by their childish attitude. She didn't think Y/n would be so mad and jealous that Kakashi was going on the date with her and not Y/n, and it was unexpected of Kakashi to be so triggered by Y/n's brutal actions so easily. She tried to squish herself in between the two who were trying to fight right then and there. One who was actually trying to hurt the other and one who was just irritated with the other. Can you guess which is which?

When Rin finally managed to push them apart, she screamed loudly. The other three were very startled. Did she just scream?? , They all thought. "STOP! You are acting like a child!" She said, looking at Y/n. Y/n backed away, breathless from trying to harm Kakashi and Rin's high pitched scream. "Did she just shade me?" Y/n asked Obito. Obito nodded. "I'm pretty sure she just did." Obito answered.

"And you! Can you stop giving into her?" Rin asked, desperately looking at Kakashi.

Kakashi cleared his throat. "Uhhhh...ok." He answered, and looked away. "Sorry...Rin....and", He paused for a minute,"Y/n". Y/n cringed at the sound of the apology. It sound 82% insincere. Y/n nodded, with the cringe on her face.

"Uh...I'm sorry too..." Y/n mumbled, almost at tears from saying that to Kakashi.

Obito looked at Y/n with a questioning after everyone moved on from that moment. "What was that about?" He asked, putting an arm around her neck. Y/n shrugged his arm off and chuckled.

"It's petty. I did it 'cause I was mad that he was indirectly messing with my plans" Y/n said quietly, ruffling his hair.

"Awwww, you did that because you were mad for me?? Thanks!" Obito laughed, jokingly making kissy faces.

"Awwww, you did that because you were mad for me?? Thanks!" Obito laughed, jokingly making kissy faces

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(the things I find on tumblr lmao, don't ask | art by akatsukiarts on tumblr)

"Ewww!! You look nasty!! Stop!" She said, pushing his face to the side.

"Hehehe, I was saving that for Rin" Obito whispered jokingly.

"Stop, you're making my insides move. Don't practice on me!" Y/n responded.

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