20 - harbored things

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There wasn't a moment where Y/n stopped to notice that Kakashi was the reason her heart was beating so fast. She never stopped to realize that she was missing Kakashi when they weren't together. The excitement that came when it was them being paired together went unnoticed by her. She was clueless about the way she felt. All because there was Obito in her line of sight everywhere she went. Obito's presence was a constant reminder that he was the one who she had committed to. She never thought twice about what would happen if Obito really did win Rin's heart. How would she deal with the heartbreak to come was never a thought that occurred because Kakashi occupied her mind when it came to... falling in love she supposed; But it wasn't like Kakashi was her second option either. She simply just never thought about having to choose someone. She was never pursued in her younger years like Rin or Kakashi. It never occurred to her that someone would ever want to date her. Kakashi was her first taste of being sought after, but he was gentle and careful with her.

Y/n imagined herself laying beside Kakashi, holding his hand to comfort him. She was still angry with him. Perhaps they had both hurt each other, but in the end, she only wished to understand him. Had he been more upfront and less passive, she probably would have fallen in a deep infatuation, but Kakashi wasn't like that. He showed his interest in a different way and Y/n could only pick it up in the slightest way. Of course, Kakashi had been affectionate in ways that Obito had never shown, but Y/n understood that they had a platonic relationship and that was why Obito had never been so romantic with her. His realization was far too late. Kakashi had already occupied Y/n's mind even if Obito remained in her heart since childhood.

"Congratulations, you passed," Minato handed his student her green vest, signifying her promotion in rank.

Y/n profusely thanked her teacher and took her vest. Truthfully, it didn't seem real. Maybe it was due to the fact that Kakashi had drowned her thoughts for the past months. The Chunin exams flew by, not the tension between her and Kakashi. It began to feel as if they had grown apart and a wall was built as they walked further and further from each other. Y/n didn't just want to let everything slip like how it was, but she was scared to anything about it. She wasn't brave enough to put herself in front of Kakashi again and comprise with him. Perhaps anger still fueled her heart when she saw him. But she beyond the point of rationality. She had begun to forget why she was even mad in the first place. She just knew that he had hurt her and she was angry.

"Earth to Y/nnn!" Obito's hand was suddenly in her face.

Her line of sight cleared up and she looked up at Obito who was frowning in confusion. He was the only one in their team not to pass. He gone up against Guy in the final round, finally getting the fight he was looking forward to, but he got whopped. Guy had knocked him out and gave him a concussion with a powerful right hook that Obito should have seen coming, but given his prior fight, he was much slower. He sported a swollen cheek with a gauze on it because his skin broke from the impact.

"Were you even listening to me?" He asked, irritated.

"Sorry," Y/n shook her head. "What were you saying?"

Obito clicked his tongue and sighed, but nonetheless wrapped his arm around her and repeated himself. "I was saying, you came up on top this time. Passing the exams or whatever. I think you impressed the old man the most out of our whole genin rank!"

"Oh," Y/n smiled triumphally. "Of course I did. I'm a skilled ninja, you know?"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it," Obito sighed, digging into his pockets and pulled out a piece of paper. "Rin gave me this. She said that it was her little congratulation speech to you for passing."

"Well, where did she go?" Y/n asked, taking the paper from his hands and unfolded it to read. "She could have waited for me while I got my vest."

"I think she went to go help Kakashi something," Obito explained, his eyes wandering to the side of the street. "I didn't ask what though, so I don't know all the details."

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