13 - re-connection

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A/n: Omggggg! I finished NANA a few months ago lmao. It was so dramatic, romantic, sappy, and sad. I loved it so much. I really recommend it if you are into shojo plots. I think I will understand how to write romance better now. At least I hope. I love the soundtracks. I listened to it while I wrote this chapter just because I thought it went well with the scenes more than the romantic Chinese music lmao. But yeah! I hope you enjoyed this chapter following Obito! Next chapter will be more focused on Y/n. I promise lol. Tell me what you think! Please kindly vote, if you are feeling generous or if you liked the chapter! Comments are very appreciated ( I try to reply as much as possible ). I also do realize that this story is very slow paced  and unedited. 😂😢😒
Also my English class has taught me a lot on writing since we have been peer editing and writing essays lmao. Pray my chapters look smexier 😂

Obito kicked the rocks in his path. He was on his way to practice and he hadn't seen Y/n at all since the festival. It had actually been a couple weeks since then. He usually hung out with Rin now. During their practices, it was mainly them working as teams. As usual, he was always late and ended up working with Rin instead of Y/n. Of course, he wondered what Y/n was doing. During the academy days, she always followed him and did what he did. She was heavily influenced by him. But these present days, she seems to be her own person. She doesn't always want to do what Obito does anymore. She has other interests that she prefers over the ones she shares with Obito. Sometimes it worried him that they would drift apart and become strangers, but most times, he was totally fine with it. 

" Obito? "

Obito looked at Y/n, who called his name. He smiled. "Hey! I haven't seen you in a while! How's it been??" He asked, now walking alongside her. Y/n warmly smiled back. "Oh you know, I've been talking with Kakashi and Guy alot more. Sometimes Genma and Asuma join us, but it's mostly just us three." She said. "I've missed you a lot though" She continued, "I haven't seen you since the festival, and it felt weird without you."

" You missed me?? " Obito asked a bit surprised. 

Y/n nodded. " It's been a while since we hung out, do you want to go somewhere after practice?" She asked. Obito nodded excitedly. "yeah, yeah, yeah!! Let's catch up!!"

Y/n nodded, not knowing what to say. "Um so like...". The atmosphere was now thick and quiet. Obito, being loud and obnoxious, shouted out, "Whew! So what do you and Kakashi do??".
Y/n cleared her throat.

"Well, you know we go skip rocks, he taught me how to do that. Um, we do our errands together too." Y/n replied.

Obito nodded. "Cool" He said, scratching the back of his neck. "Let's walk together yeah?"

Y/n nodded. "Sure! It's been awhile since we did that!" She said.

As they walked, a silence was present. Obito was very bothered by it. How it did it get so awkward just like that? He wanted to start a conversation but had no idea how. Just as Obito was going to say something, Y/n made a sharp gasp and pulled Obito's arm. 

"Obito! It's Kakashi...with Rin??"

Obito peeked through the thick hedge. "Uhh, I can't see anything, I see leaves and that's about it."

Y/n sighed. "Obito! Don't look through the hedge, look around!!". She roughly pulled him by his shoulder.

Obito grunted. "Don't pull me so suddenly Y/n!!" He said, sticking his tongue out at her. Y/n sighed in frustration. "You're so stubborn and difficult."

They both peered carefully shoving each over once in a while. Y/n slid her finger under Obito's nose covering his nostrils. " Shhh, I'm trying to hear. Don't breath so loud" She said. Obito's creased his eyebrows, prying her finger away. 

" Oh my god Y/n, stop I'm trying to listen too. "

Kakashi, having superior hearing (because he's "pErFeCt"),  turned to look at the hedge. Y/n and Kakashi made eye contanct, which resulted into a short staring contest. Kakashi broke it by smiling at her and turning back to Rin. Y/n blushed furiously. She covered her cheeks and squealed quietly into Obito's hair.

Obito, slightly disgusted, looked at Kakashi, then tapped Y/n's shoulder. "Are...you....blushing because of K-Kakashi??" He said. Y/n shook her head, still shoving her face into Obito's hair. Obito coughed. "That's, um, gross....Why on earth of all people him??" He said, pushing Y/n back by her shoulders. Y/n frowned. "Okay, listen. I'm not interested in Kakashi okay?? I just...I'm just kinda embarrassed that he saw me looking at him and then he smiled at me, acknowledging me."

Obito nodded, not believing anything she had said. "Yes, Y/n...I b-believe you...totally". Y/n groaned loudly in frustration. "You don't, do you??" She said, with a huff of anger at the end. "Yeah, I don't." He admitted. 

"It's just...you turned all pink after he winked at you!" Obito exclaimed.

"Smiled" Y/n corrected, visibly annoyed.

Obito's imaginary light bulb lit. "Ya know~ I could like be your wingman instead...hm?" He cooed at her. Y/n knocked on his head. "Pshhh, yeah right. As if. If you were one, You wouldn't last a day." She said, standing up.

Obito stood up as well. "What? I'm just being  honest! No lie, I'm 100% okay with you liking Kakashi!!" He said. Y/n kicked his shin, making sure that it would leave a bruise. She walked away furiously. 

"Agh, w-wait!! Y/n~! I was kidding wait! What about our day together?? Yeah?? Let's walk to practice together!" Obito cried out. He desperately, with all the power in his arms, reached for her. He hooked his arm around her, keeping her close. "I'm sorry. Don't be so mad!!" He said, rubbing his knuckles on her head. Y/n cracked a small smile before hitting his arm. 

"Ah! Stop being so violent! It's not nice! You hit like a man!" Obito said, letting go of Y/n.

Y/n pushed him gently. " You're just pathetic!" She sneered.

"You're a gorilla!" Obito retorted.





"Pathetic bug!"

Obito spat in Y/n's path. "Whatever, Ugly Gorilla!" He said, sticking his tongue at her. Y/n scoffed.  A strong breeze passed by Y/n and Obito. Y/n shivered. " Obito, let me cling to you, I forgot a sweater." She said as she walked towards him, lifting his arm and putting it over her shoulder. Obito laughed obnoxiously and took her hands and squeezed them affectionately. "Maybe, you're not such a Gorilla and maybe...hmm, a caterpillar?? A very fragile and cowardly being." He said. Y/n frowned at him. "I do like the Gorilla, as much as I'd like to say I'm alot more feminine than a Gorilla, the Gorilla is better than a measly caterpillar."

Obito smiled at Y/n. "But the caterpillar grows to be a pretty butterfly...right??". Y/n shrugged. "I...uh...guess." She said.

"That honestly was really cheesy though" Y/n stated.

Obito's cheeks heated. " Agh! Be quiet, Y/n"

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