7 - Best friends

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Y/n woke up hearing a tattering at her window. She got up and opened her window. " Good Morning! " Obito yelled, waving. " Mm, Hi " She said. " Get ready! As of today your my wingman! " Obito said, cheerfully. Y/n smiled. " Okay, fine " She said. She got ready and rushed down to meet Obito. " HI " SHe said, smiling. " You're all smiles today. " Obito said, holding her hand.

" I mean I guess. So what are we doing? " Y/n asked. " Are we going to talk to Rin? Ask her to hand out with us? Ooh, Beat up Kakashi? ". Obito looked at her with a questioning look. " WHy would do that? " He asked, " No. We're not doing that. We're going to follow Rin! ". Y/n looked shocked. " Why?! We're not crazy stalkers! " Y/n said. 

" Shush! JUst follow me! " He said. Y/n grumbled and followed him. He put his hand above his eyes, looking left and Right. " Okay, what are you looking for? " She asked. " I'm looking for Rin. " He said. Y/n sighed. Hopeless boy... 

" Maybe she's with Kakashi. " Y/n said. Obito turned to look at her. " Why would you say that? " He asked. Y/n sighed. Is he really that dumb that he can't see Rin likes Kakashi?  " Because she likes Kakashi! " Y/n explained. " So? She can still fall for me! I know she'll see how awesome I am! " Obito said. " Believe in me! I will confess and she will like me back! ".

" Okay, fine. Let's go find her! " Y/n said, walking ahead. " H-hey! Wait for me! " HE said, running to catch up. Soon enough Obito got tired of walking. " Y/n carry me! " He said dropping on the dirt. Y/n grumbled. " How do you expect to be hokage if you can't even stand walking out in the sun? " She asked, before noticing he was asleep. Sighing, she picked him up and place him on her back. " I always have to take care of you... " She muttered.  She kept walking as Obito quietly snored resting his head on her shoulder.

Y/n looked over her shoulder to look at Obito. She smiled and kept walking forward. Obito opened one of his eyes slighty and mummured something. " Thank you, Y/n ". " Is Rin at home? " Y/n questioned. " I don't even know where she's at " SHe muttered. 

Y/n eventually got tired, but when she was about to give up she found Kakashi and Rin.   She smiled, but tripped on a rock and fell down. Obito woke up from Y/n falling. " Y/n! How dare you fall?! You hurt me " He said, getting off. Y/n rolled her eyes. " Thank you Y/n. Oh you're very welcome Obito. " She said. Kakashi and RIn ran to them. " Are you okay, Y/n? " Kakashi asked. Y/n looked at him and smile. " Yes, I am. Thank you " SHe said. Obito grumbled. " Why aren't you asking if I'm okay? " He asked.

RIn smiled. " Hi Obito. " She greeting. Obito turned seeing RIn. HE blushed. " O-oh Hey R-RIn. " He said. " What were you and Y/n doing? " She asked, sweetly. " O-oh we were- " Obito said. " We were taking a stroll, but Obito got tired so I had to carry him. " Y/n said. Obito had a confused look on his face.

" Don't tell her about your plan Obito! " She said in a hushed tone. Rin looked at Kakashi with a confused face. Kakashi shrugged. " Are you guys up to something? " SHe asked. Y/n looked at Rin with a smile. " Of course not! We were just talking about missions we want to go on. " She said. Rin smiled. " I'm not going to make fun of your big dreams! C'mon, let's do something fun " She said, pulling Y/n and Obito wrists. Y/n caught Kakashi hand just in time, so he could come to.

Kakashi's face turned a light shade of pink. He snatched his hand back. " Is something wrong Kakashi? " Y/n asked. Kakashi shook his head. " N-no! I'll just follow along. Don't hold my hand. " He said, looking away. " Sheesh, I was trying to be nice. " Y/n mumbled, slightly offended. OBITO held Y/n's hand. " It's okay. " He said quietly, " Like you said. Kakashi's Kakashi. " . Y/n smiled. " Thanks " She said and punch him lightly. " Hey! What was that for? " Obito whined. " Oh, be quiet! I thought you were a boy, isn't that you guys do? " She asked. " Uh, not me. " He answered.

" That's because you hang out with girls " Kakashi said. " Is that a problem!? " Obito asked, with an angry expression.  " No, I'm just telling you that. " Kakashi said. Rin sighed. " Do you all have to get angry at each other everyday? " She asked.

Y/n, Obito and Kakashi looked at Rin with confused faces. " WE DO NOT GET ANGRY AT EACHOTHER ALL THE TIME! " Y/n and Obito argued. " Honestly, I think we do. " Kakashi said, raising his finger. Y/n and Obito's heads turned to look at Kakashi. "What? It's almost everyday you two always want to pick a fight with me. " He said. Before the argue could escalate any further, Rin said something . "Hey now, let's do something fun like..... ".

Obito and Y/n looked at each other with huge smirks. They grabbed Kakashi's and Rin hands. " Let's go wreck the corner shop! " Y/n yelled., running. " What?! No! " Kakashi said. " Oh why not? It super fun! " Obito said, bouncing up and down.  " Uh, because we are shinobi and we have to follow the rules! You think shinobi come around causing mischief? " Kakashi asked. Before anyone could respond Kakashi yelled, " No! ". Then, Kakashi gave them a what was supposed to be a 1 hour scolding, but was interrupted by Y/n. " Yeah,yeah. Rules, rules, rules! You know it's going to be fun...let's go! " She said.

Y/n grabbed Kakashi's and started walking. " I thought I told - " Kakashi said. " Shush, Show off! " Obito interrupted. " Rin are you going to say anything? " Kakashi asked, who was now ignoring the two demons.

Rin looked at Kakashi and scratched her head. " Well.... " She dragged on. Y/n and Obito were making all the possible gestures to say ' Don't say anything '. Kakashi looked back at the two giving them a look so sharp it could pierce right through them. " What? " Obito  asked, playing innocent. Kakashi narrowed his eyes at the two, then switched his eyes back to Rin. " So? " He asked. " Um, I would say it would be nice, but it sounds fun? " Rin said. Kakashi's jaw dropped. What? How? How? How could she? She just teamed up with the two most annoying teammates ever! 

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