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"Let's take a selfie, guys

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"Let's take a selfie, guys. Let's do it. Your phone? I've taken so many of these # statechamplife." Jordan and JJ were taking a selfie with a girl. "Hmm. Is it wrong that I kinda wish they lost that game?" Abby admitted. "No" Liv answered. "Yes, you're an Eagle. They're just having fun." Layla explained. "Yeah, I don't see fun." Abby was getting bored being around Jordan and his new fame. "I see a sign around his neck that says "help me" written in that girl's lipstick." Liv explained. "You see that sign around everyone's neck, maybe minus the lipstick." Abby nodded at Layla. "OK, that's not true." Liv argued. "No? How many times have you asked me about my dad since he's been back?" Layla was getting tired of Liv asking about her dad so much. "One Mmm - Hundred? - Closer, yeah. I'm sorry. I'm just really happy that you two are doing so well. It's like we're playing musical fathers. Mine leaves, yours comes back." Liv admitted. Abby knew once Layla wanted to talk about her dad she would when the time was right. "Don't forget about Spencer's dad." Abby regretted it once she said that. "I mean, I can't believe he wants Spencer to move back to Crenshaw. And I have the biggest mouth in the world. I am so sorry. He didn't want to tell us, OK? We pried it out of him this morning, and I just assumed that he told you." Liv put her hand over her mouth. "Liv, it's fine. Sure he was planning on telling me. He just hasn't gotten the chance yet." Abby and Liv felt awkward know.

Abby and Liv went to go watch the teams scrimmage. They played horrible. Abby was upset Jordan was not taking football serious. Before Abby left home she went to go find Jordan in the locker room. "Can we talk?" Abby walked up to him. "Yeah, what's up?" Abby and Jordan walked outside where no one could see them. "Jordan I know you're not okay, i know you're still hurting about your dad. You know i'm here for you, why don't you just talk to me instead of hurting yourself. All this partying and drinking has to stop." Abby sighed. "Abby really? I'm not hurting you that's all that matters. i'm sorry you don't want to have fun with me anymore." Jordan really did not want to argue. "You didn't even tell me you almost got arrested. I had to hear from Liv.. it's like you're pushing away the only person that cares about you right now" Abby was holding back tears. "It's not like that Abby." Jordan tried to reach for her hand. "Also what about football? You keep missing practices and not taking it serious." Abby was annoyed at Jordan. "You've changed. This is not the Jordan I fell in love with. So when he comes back let him know i'm waiting for him." Abby kissed Jordan in the cheek. Jordan wanted to run after her but he knew he needed to change himself before going back to Abby. Jordan was not only hurting himself, he was hurting Abby and their relationship.

At the Bakers House
Liv was texting Abby about what happen with Jordan. "Hey, Liv, have you seen my phone and keys?" Jordan asked. "I haven't seen 'em." Liv replied. "What's this?" Jordan asked his mom. "That's your new phone until I say otherwise. As for your car keys, they're in my purse, where they will stay for the next month, you can take the bus And I changed the Wi-Fi password, and if you haven't figured it out yet, you're grounded." Ms.Baker was finally taking charge. "Too bad you can't post with that phone." Liv laughed at Jordan. "Enough, Olivia. I've got a beeper with your name all over it if you want to join him." Ms.Baker angrily replied. "So dad leaves, and I get punished for it. Nice." Jordan argued back. "Watch it, Jordan Baker!" Liv decided to leave the room. "I know you're having a rough time, but you are not the only one, OK? And this behavior has got to stop. So from now on, your life consists of going to school, football practice, coming home and.. no Abby." Ms.Baker walked away. "No Abby? Common mom." Jordan knew him and Abby were in a argument but he still wanted to talk to her and try to fix things. "Do i make myself clear?" Ms.Baker asked. "Yes ma'am" Jordan walked back to his bedroom debating if he should text Abby. He knew Liv probably already told her everything that just happen so he was just going to wait it out.

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