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Abby had stayed home the last couple of days

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Abby had stayed home the last couple of days. She kept receiving text from Darnell and her friends asking if she was okay. Abby only responded with "I'm doing fine". She was okay but not really. Abby got scared every time she heard a loud noise it made her jump. She was also having nightmares. Abby knew she needed to talk to someone about this, she thought of Darnell but she did not want to feel like a burden to him.
Abby texted Layla and Liv but they were both busy. She decided to text Spencer. Abby got a text back from Spencer and was on her way to go visit him.

Spencer and Abby were in his room now. "How are you?" Abby asked. "I've just been thinking about the future a lot." Spencer replied. "Tell me about it" Abby agreed with him. "I'm visiting UCLA tomorrow." Spencer was not sure how to feel. "That's good! or is that the reason you look so tense?" Abby looked at him. "I don't know. What if they change their mind about me? When they offered me the scholarship I was the 57th ranked player in the country. I'm not that player anymore." Spencer sighed. "You may not be right now but once you heal" Abby tried to cheer him up. "The doctor said I might never get to that level again, that only time will tell" Spencer put his head on Abby's head. "So let time do it's thing. While you wait just know i'm a call away. I mean it." Abby grabbed his hand. "Before you leave you should know that tomorrow it's not just me going it's also Darnell and Jordan." Spencer laughed. "Omg you're joking!" Abby did not know how to feel about Darnell and Jordan hanging out. "I'm not joking! Your ex boy and new boy are going to hang out and become friends. Well maybe if they don't start fighting over you" Spencer and Abby started laughing. "It's not funny Spencer! i'm just glad i'm not going to be there for the awkwardness!" Abby laughed. "Talking about him. Darnell won't stop talking about you. Abby give him a chance already. My poor boy down bad." Spencer laughed. "Yeah yeah. He can wait if he really wants me" Abby rolled her eyes. Abby and Spencer spent the next hour just laughing and talking with each other. They both needed this. Spencer was glad to have Abby, she always made him feel better. Spencer just wished Abby knew the effect she had on people. Abby was like a ray of sunlight, she just made everybody smile when she was in the room.
They were both interrupted by Darnell walking in the door. Spencer and Abby laughed because they were just talking about him. Darnell looked at them weirdly. "Hey" Darnell said awkwardly. "Hey" Both Abby and Spencer replied. Spencer left the room to let them talk. "Do you want to go with me to the beach for a walk?" Abby asked. "Yeah" Darnell replied. "Let me just change" Abby waited for him. Darnell and Abby went to the beach in Abby's car.
Abby loved coming to the beach it made her feel relaxed. "I can tell you love it here" Darnell was looking at her. "It's just my happy place" Abby smiled. "Spencer told me you're going to UCLA tomorrow." Abby looked at him. "Yeah, it's my dream school i'm hoping they offer me a full ride." Darnell explained. "They will, you're great at football" Abby did not know much about football so there's not much she could say. "You know Jordan is going to be there..I promise to play nice..he's your uhm friend and Spencer's." Darnell said awkwardly. "I don't really want to talk about him. Not when there's this view and I have a great guy next to me" Abby admitted. Darnell agreed. "Come closer then" Darnell opened his arm. Abby got closer to him and now Darnell was side hugging her. Abby did not feel awkward she actually felt comfortable besides all the butterflies she was feeling. "How are you doing after everything? I know you've been replying to my text but they don't tell me much." Darnell just wanted to make sure Abby was okay. "I'm still having nightmares and every time I hear a loud noise I jump" Abby explained. "You know you can call me when you have a nightmare. I don't mind." Darnell looked at her. Abby blushed. "Thank you" Abby put her head in his shoulder. Darnell was head over heels for Abby he just wanted to kiss her. "You know this can count as our first date" Abby laughed. "Only if you let me make our second date a little better" Darnell replied. "You can try" Abby blushed.
Abby and Darnell spent the next few hours in each other's arms just talking and enjoying each other's company. Abby decided they should go home. "Common you have a big day tomorrow and I'm going back to school" Abby grabbed Darnell's hand and walked together to her car. Abby drove him to Spencer house. "I had a great time. Thanks for everything. Goodluck tomorrow" Abby got closer to Darnell and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Darnell blushed. "Text me if you need anything." Darnell walked inside his house. Abby was smiling the whole way to her house.

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