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Marco was looking for Abby because he saw Aiden too

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Marco was looking for Abby because he saw Aiden too. Marco knew that Abby would not be okay after seeing Aiden. Marco walked in on Abby and Jordan sitting in the hot tub. "We weren't doing nothing" Jordan spoke up. "Good, Get out now" Marco just wanted to get out of there with his sister. "DONT tell me what to do" Abby couldn't get out because she was naked. "Common Abby get out" Marco was being the overprotective brother. Abby rolled her eyes annoyed. "We're naked OK!" "Super great now this moment will forever be burned into my memory" Marco felt uncomfortable. Abby was just embarrassed now and wanted to leave. Abby regretted getting into the hot tub with Jordan because she knew it was not for the right reasons. Marco grabbed a towel and gave it to Abby. "I'll wait outside" Marco told Abby. "Sorry about this, bye Jordan" Abby left without letting Jordan reply back.
Marco and Abby were on their way home. "Did you see him?" Marco asked Abby. "Of course I saw him, what is he even doing here" Abby sighed. "I heard that he's buddy's with Asher so we might be seeing him more around." Marco looked at his sister. "You know this was supposed to be my fresh start, how am I supposed to that with him here" Abby was upset. Abby knew she had to talk to someone about this and she knew the perfect person. Abby got to her room and dialed her best friends number. "Please answer" Abby told herself. "Abby?" Isabella answered. "Sorry, I didn't know who else to call." "Abby it's okay, not like it's 5am" Isabella was being sarcastic. "He's here in my town.." Abby wanted to cry out of anger and because she was a little drunk. "Who?" Isabella asked. "Aiden..how am I supposed to see him and not break down every time" Isabella was shocked. "Uhm, wow I cant believe he's there. Abby just don't talk to him and plus you said you were starting to like Jordan just use him to make Aiden jealous." Abby didn't like that idea but she knew she had to do something. "Sorry i woke you up I'll text you tomorrow, I love you bestie" Abby hung up. Isabella knew she had to go see her but she did not know when was the right time. Abby shed some tears remembering everything Aiden put her through and then fell asleep.

The next day
Abby woke up not feeling herself. Abby thought how crazy just one person can have such a big effect on her. Abby did not want to think about Aiden no more. She decided to take a shower, sing her heart out, and go on with her day. Marco had already left for school, when Abby was walking down she saw her mom drinking hot coffee scrolling through her phone. "Is there any coffee left?" "Just enough for you" Abby's mom told her. "So, Marco told me what happened..are you okay? I'll drive you to school" Abby's mom knew what Aiden did to her. She remembered how much pain she went through when Aiden broke her heart. Abby's mom hated how heartbroken Abby was after Aiden left her. Abby's mom was remembering the nights when she would wake up in the middle of the night and check on Abby and found her sobbing in her sheets. Abby was grateful for her mom, she was there when she needed her most, and Abby just loved her so much. "I'm fine, I promise. It just shocked me last night to see him when I never thought I would. I'm okay mom really." Abby said the last part more for herself than her mom. Abby's mom made a mental note that morning to make sure to check up on her more.
At school Abby got an invitation from Jordan's mom for Spencer's birthday. She wanted to get Spencer a present. Abby thought it must be hard living away from your family and not being able to see them everyday, so she knew she had to buy him a meaningful present. After school was over Abby went to the store and bought Spencer a gift. She knew Spencer was going to like it and that made her happy. Abby went back home wrapped the gift and got ready. Abby wore a nude brown swimsuit with a white kimono over it. Marco and Abby drove to Jordan's house. When they got there Liv greeted them. Marco went to the back yard with his boys. Liv pulled Abby to the side. "So, I heard from Marco that you saw your ex. He only told me because he knew you needed a friend to talk to." Abby smiled. "Thank you, I am okay right now. I just don't want to see him you know..and I don't want to talk about him right now" Liv nodded "yeah..yeah I get it." Liv did not tell her but she was worried about Abby, seeing and old ex can bring up old feelings or make you act differently. Liv did not want to see that happen to Abby. She was glad Abby came into her life. When Abby was around she didn't feel like the whole weight of the world was on her, and they both just acted like normal teenage girls around each other. They both needed one another and Abby felt lucky to have a friend like Olivia. Liv wanted to tell her big secret about her and Asher, but Abby saw Spencer and cut her off. Spencer was walking up to Coach Baker and his father. Spencer was mad now he couldn't believe his mom and Coach kept this secret from him. Abby was watching everything unfold. She felt bad for Spencer, he found out Coach and his mom use to be a thing back in the day. Spencer felt betrayed. Abby went after Spencer. "Spencer hold up" Abby short legs could not keep up with Spencer.

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