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Abby's dress ^

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Abby's dress ^

Abby walked up to Spencer, Chris, and Coop. "I ain't get all dressed up to sit here and watch you sulk" Coop told Spencer. "I don't sulk" Spencer tried to cover up his emotions. "Tell that to your face" Abby laughed with Coop. While Abby was talking to Spencer. Isabella and Marco were dancing. "Hey let's get a drink" Isabella told Marco. Marco was having a great time, until he spotted him. "What the hell is he doing here?" Marco pointed out Aiden(Abby's ex). "Oh no..this is bad, just calm down I'll talk to him and figure it out." Isabella walked up to Aiden. "What are you doing here?" She asked with attitude. "Calm down. I'm not here to cause problems. Asher invited me, and I want to talk to Abby." Isabella rolled her eyes. "No, you can't talk to her, you need to get out of here." Aiden only wanted to explain himself to Abby. "We need to tell her what happen, before somebody else does." Isabella wanted to punch him. "Good luck with that plus she has moved on. You should too" Isabella walked away. Aiden looked around for Abby.
Abby was getting a drink for herself when she heard someone behind her. "You look beautiful" Abby smiled and turned around until she saw who it was. "What are you doing here? I have nothing to say to you" Abby tried to walk away. "Hold on, you need to know why I left" Aiden grabbed her arm. Abby just rolled her eyes. "I had to leave. My parents got a divorce. My mom made me come to L.A. with her. I just had a lot of stuff going on, I couldn't say goodbye. It hurt too much Abby. I am sorry." Aiden sighed. He hated that he hurt Abby. "It's okay, you just did not love me enough to say goodbye, so you broke up with me through text. You left me..I didn't even know why Aiden..you broke me. I had to put myself back together, so you don't get to try and get me back. I loved you Aiden, but I'm finally moving on. You should too" Abby swallowed her tears. She was not going to let Aiden ruin her night. "I get it..I just have to tell you one more thing and I'll leave you alone.." Aiden was about to tell Abby his secret. When Isabella interrupted them. "Is he bothering you?" Isabella asked Abby. "No he was just about to leave" Abby hated how you she almost felt bad for him. Aiden walked away knowing he lost the best thing that ever happened to him.

Isabella and Marco were trying to distract Abby

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Isabella and Marco were trying to distract Abby. They did not want her to get sad over someone that did not deserve her tears.
The music was playing. Everybody was dancing. In the distance you could see Asher and Layla arguing. Jordan knew this was not going to be good. "Hey, you okay?" Jordan asked Asher after Layla walked away. "You know what it's whatever. The party is just getting started." Jordan was starting to worry. "Where's your girl? You know you came through with the bet. I didn't know you had it in you." Asher teased Jordan. "The bet has been off. I like her, so don't say anything." Jordan explained to Asher. "Yeah, okay." Asher rolled his eyes. Jordan walked away from Asher before he got more drunk. Jordan looked around for Abby. Jordan saw some guy walk away from Abby, Isabella, and Marco. Abby had a sad look in her face. "Hey, everything okay?" Jordan walked up to Abby. "Yes. I've been looking for you" Abby told him. "Jordan you better ask her to dance before someone else does" Isabella teased Jordan. Isabella and Marco went to go dance. "Would you like to dance?" Jordan asked. "I would love to" Abby blushed. Jordan and Abby were dancing to a slow song. Jordan could not stop starting at Abby's eyes. "What?" Abby asked. "Nothing, you're just so beautiful " Abby smiled. "Your making me blush." Abby looked to the side. "It's okay, don't hide it. I love it" Jordan replied. "I have to ask you something later" Jordan told Abby. Abby and Jordan's moment got interrupted by Asher going onstage. "This is not good" Jordan whispered to himself. Liv walked up to Abby and Jordan. "Go get him off Jordan" Jordan made his way towards the stage. Asher was already drunk. "Make some noise everybody. For the best team. My boy J.J. Best linebacker I played with. and of course the real mvp Spencer James. Isn't that right Layla? You did cheat on me with him." All eyes were on Layla and Spencer now. "It's okay though, really, because I cheated on you first. Tell her Liv. Tell your best friend how we had s*x way before Spencer showed up. Tell her." Layla couldn't believe what Asher just said. "Awh look everybody. Your team captain trying to come and save the day. Jordan Baker. Where's Abby? Did you tell her how you only asked her to come tonight because you made a bet with me." Abby's heart sunk. But Asher was not done yet. "You know Abby me and you have a lot in common. Just how I cheated on Layla with her best friend, Aiden did the exact same thing with your best-friend." Asher's speech was cut off by Coach Baker. Abby could not stand all the eyes on her so she walked out. She heard people trying to call her name but did not stop. Abby found a bench and sat down. She started to cry. "Abby.." Abby knew who it was.

// who do you think it is ??

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