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Abby was getting ready for school

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Abby was getting ready for school. Liv had told her that she was going to start a podcast today so Abby decided to listen in. "Welcome to "Liv the truth. " I started this podcast because not enough people know what's happening outside of their own little world. And until recently, I was one of them. But that changed after the incident with Crenshaw Cathy, the owner of the now daily picketed Bunch-o Fro-Yo. That's when I realized I was living in my Beverly Hills bubble. No matter where I go, day or night, I always feel safe because I'm cut off from the rest of the world, but there's a world out there where people aren't so lucky, a world where you can't barbecue while black, sell cigarettes while black, buy mentos while black, mow your neighbor's lawn while black He was 12 by the way, Get on an elevator while black, swim in your pool while black, study in your college dorm while black, or sit on your couch in pajamas eating ice cream in your own damn home while black. Want me to stop? Well, I want these to stop. This world is not OK. And it's a lot closer than you think. We need to be aware of the world outside of our bubble." Abby was proud of Liv for using her voice. Abby stopped by Layla's house to pick her up for her first day back to school. She was proud of Layla for coming back.

When they got inside they spotted Liv, Asher and Spencer talking. "Hey guys" Abby smiled at them. "Hey" Layla felt good being back. Liv, Spencer and Asher all asked Layla how she was feeling. "Better, not so angry at the world anymore." Layla was just being honest. She stopped trying to be so perfect. "So let me catch you up on what's new. JJ's president." Liv laughed. "Oh no. Take me back" Layla laughed with them. "You can't go back you have to go to our cotillion tonight" Abby insisted. "I can't believe you're excited for a fancy ball" Layla looked at Liv. "Who said I was excited? If I have to try on one more pair frilly white gloves, I will cut my hands off to protest." Abby and Layla laughed. "We can like all go together" Layla requested. "I wish. We all have to be there early to line up for the representation." Abby spoke up. "Why do you have to be there ?" Layla asked Spencer. "Uhm Kia didn't have an escort so I told her i'd go as a friend" Abby and Liv felt awkward now. Abby got a text so she walked to her locker to look at it.

Darnell 😇

- hey, spencer said you
wanted to ask me something?

-yeah :) can you come over
to my house after school?

- okay see you later :)

Abby didn't know why she was nervous to ask Darnell to the Cotillion.
After school Abby waited for Layla. "Hey ready to go?" Abby asked Layla. "Yup." Layla and Abby got in the car. "I almost forgot to ask you. Can you take pictures of Liv, Asher, Spencer, and I tonight? It's for my yearbook page." Abby asked. "Of course! They won't be as good as you take them but i'll try my best" Layla smiled. "Thanks you're the best! I'll bring the camera over later before the dance and we can go together." Abby stopped in front of Laylas house. Layla got off and went inside. Abby drove to her house and was getting more nervous that she had to ask Darnell. Abby got home and went upstairs to freshen up.
Abby heard a knock so she ran downstairs to open it. It was Darnell. "Hey come in" Abby let him walk in. Abby walked to the kitchen while Darnell followed. "How was your trip?" Abby asked. "It was alright. I needed some time to myself to just grieve." Darnell admitted. "Are you okay?" Abby handed Darnell a cup of water. "I'm..better" Darnell replied. "So I wanted to ask you if you could be my escort to the cotillion tonight? I know i'm asking kinda late but you weren't here and I know you don't know the dance yet but i know it by memory so we can practice right now until you learn it.." Abby got interrupted. "Abby slow down. Yes of course i'll go with you" Darnell smiled at her. "Yes. I was kinda panicking sorry. Do you want to go by the pool outside to practice?" Abby hated how nervous and awkward she got around Darnell. "First we bow to each other and then we hold hands.." Abby started to teach Darnell the dance moves. Darnell and Abby were having fun. "Okay we just need to get this last step down" Abby did not want Darnell to leave so soon. Abby over heard someone talking in the kitchen. "We might have to pause real quick." Abby spotted her Mom and Dad walking closer to them. "Hello Abby practicing for the cotillion?" Mom asked. "Yes. This is Darnell he's going to be my escort. Darnell this is my mom and dad." Abby laughed awkwardly. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Alvarez, it's nice to meet you." Darnell shook their hands. "Are you two hungry?" Abby's mom asked. "Can you just bring us a snack mom?" Abby gave her mom a look saying that she wanted them to leave. Her mom got the idea. "I'll bring it right out, common Luca let them be." Abby's mom dragged her dad before he could protest. "Sorry about them" Abby went back to her dancing position. "Don't be. They seem cool" Darnell admitted. "Okay. Let's finish" Abby grabbed Darnell's hand. Abby felt a connection with Darnell she couldn't explain it. It was almost like a spark every time they touched. Darnell was a fast learner they got the whole dance routine down. "Yes! We got it! Thank you for doing this for me" Abby was too excited so she hugged Darnell. Abby realized what she was doing so she let go fast. "Sorry" Abby mentally slapped herself for doing that. Darnell did not mind. Abby decided it was best if Darnell left before her parents started to ask him questions. "You should go home and get ready." Abby walked Darnell to the door. "Oh okay tell your parents I said bye and i'll see you later" Darnell smiled at Abby and walked away. Abby had the biggest smile on her face, but she changed it real quick when she spotted her mom watching her. "I think someone has a crush" Her mom teased her. "No I don't! I have to go get ready" Abby walked upstairs not saying another word. She started to get ready for the Cotillion.

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