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Abby woke up and saw Spencer and Darnell asleep

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Abby woke up and saw Spencer and Darnell asleep. She was happy that Spencer was okay. Abby got out of Spencer's bed and walked over to Darnell sleeping. She lightly pushed his shoulder. Darnell started to wake up. "I know that chair is not comfortable" Abby laughed. "Your right about that" Darnell shifted uncomfortable. "Is my family still here?" Abby asked. "No, they went home. They wanted to stay and wait for you but I told them I would stay here and take care of you" Darnell smiled. "Thank you..for everything.." Abby grabbed Darnell's hand. Darnell moved closer to Abby. Spencer interrupted them by slightly coughing. Abby pulled away. "Sorry Spencer. Is it okay if I go home and change" Abby asked. "Yes. Can you tell my mom and Dillon to come inside when you see them out there?" Spencer asked. "Of course" Abby replied. "I also told your family I would take you home. They left me your car keys." Darnell showed her the keys. Before Abby left she walked to Spencer. "I'm here for you if you need anything or just want to talk." Abby gave Spencer a hug. Darnell also went up to him. "I'm glad you're okay bro" Darnell and Abby walked out.

They got to Abby's house. "Darnell I don't want to be alone..can you stay the night?" Abby asked. "Yeah are your parents okay with that?" Darnell curiously asked. "yeah they don't care" Abby walked inside her home. Darnell followed her. Abby did not see her parents downstairs which meant they were asleep already. Abby walked with Darnell to her room. "Wait here" Abby went inside her restroom to shower and change. She also went into marcos room to grab a pair of sweats for Darnell. "I stole these from Marco I think they should fit" Abby handed Darnell the grey sweats. "I'll be back" Darnell went into Abby's restroom to change. Darnell walked out. "They kinda fit" Darnell was taller then Marco so the sweats fit him a little short. Abby laughed at him. "There's that smile" Darnell just wanted to make Abby feel better. Abby laid down on the right side of the bed. "I can sleep on the floor" Darnell insisted. "No. It's okay" Abby made room for Darnell. He laid down next to Abby. "How are you feeling? Do you need anything?" Darnell asked with a concerned look. "Can you hug me?" Abby asked. Darnell hugged Abby.
Abby was enjoying feeling Darnell's warmth. She started to cry in Darnell's arms. He let her cry until her breathing started to slow down. "hey..you're okay..you and Spencer are both alive..i'm not going to let anything happen to you..i'm here Abby.." Darnell slowly rubbed Abby's hair. "thank you..i needed this..i needed you.." Abby finally had someone who could hear her out. "Do you want to know what I was going to ask you?" Darnell decided to change the topic. "Yes" Abby nervously asked. "I had asked your parents for permission before I was going to ask you.. if I could take you out on a date and they both said yes" Darnell tried to figure out Abby's feelings. "Ohh.." Abby replied. "When you feel better would you let me? It could be something small like a picnic or we can do something basic like the movies?" Darnell just wanted to hear a yes from Abby. She thought about it. "Yes Yes of course. That was very brave of you to ask my parents no one has ever done that" Abby smiled. "You deserve the best Abby so i'm going to do this the right way" Darnell smiled at her. Abby was happy Darnell made her feel better even if it was just for a little bit. Abby was starting to fall for Darnell. Abby wanted to kiss Darnell but she felt like it was not the right moment. Darnell brought Abby closer to his arms and drifted off to sleep. Abby loved how comfortable Darnell's arms were she wouldn't mind doing this more often.

- ugh i wanted them to kiss so badly 😫😭

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