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Abby walked into school and spotted Liv by her locker

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Abby walked into school and spotted Liv by her locker. "Hey" Abby spoke up. "Hey" Liv replied. Someone slammed their locker and Abby jumped. "you okay?" Liv noticed. "uhm yeah, that's been happening a lot" Abby replied. Liv was worried about her. "I don't want to talk about it here.." Abby looked uncomfortable. "Okay..uhm can we talk about how Jordan and Darnell are spending most of the day together at UCLA" Liv teased Abby. "Yeah sounds exciting" Abby rolled her eyes. "Oh common they're going to have a blast" Liv laughed. Abby started walking to class. Liv followed. "Woah Simone is starting to show.." Abby spotted Simone. Liv agreed. "You know she's not that bad..I kinda have to talk to her every time she goes over..and she seems nice" Abby did not like holding grudges but she just couldn't forgive Simone at least not right now. "Maybe she is..I'm just not ready for that.." Abby walked into class.

Later that day
Abby spent a few hours after school in the yearbook club making sure she had enough pictures and editing them. She stopped for food on her way home. Abby got home said hi to her parents and went up to her room. She ate her food while watching criminal minds. Abby heard a knock downstairs but was to lazy to check who it was. Her parents opened the door. Minutes later her mom came up to Abby's room. "hey Darnell is here to see you" Abby's mom smiled. "He just told us some really good news" Abby and her mom walked downstairs. Abby was curious why Abby's dad was telling Darnell congrats. "Honey, common let them talk" Abby's mom and dad walked out of the living room. "Hey" Darnell walked up to her. "Hey" Abby smiled. "Guess what?!" Darnell smiled. "What?!" Abby wanted to know already. "I got offered a scholarship to play at UCLA!" Darnell was excited. "What! That's great!" Abby was happy for him. "I can't believe it! This is everything I wanted!" Darnell went to hug Abby. Abby hugged him back. Darnell picked her up also spinning her. Abby was laughing. "Sorry I'm just so happy I came over to tell you after I told Ms.James and Dillon. I hope it's okay" Darnell blushed. "It's okay. I don't mind" Abby was happy he was here. "Do you have plans right now? You can stay and we can bake cookies together" Abby asked. "I'm down" Darnell replied. Abby walked in the kitchen and gathered all the ingredients. "You have to wear this" Abby gave him a girly apron. She laughed as he put it on. "I was joking" Abby put on a different apron. Darnell left it on just to see Abby laugh. "I think I look great" Darnell started making funny poses. "You do look adorable" Abby laughed at him. Abby started mixing the ingredients. Darnell helped by making her laugh. "This is my favorite part, we get to try the raw cookie dough" Abby grabbed some raw cookie dough and ate it. "Abby that's bad for you" Darnell spoke up. "Oh please just try it" Abby grabbed some with her finger and put it up to Darnell's face. "No you're going to have to make me" Darnell smirked. Abby cornered Darnell so he couldn't go left or right. Darnell could easily lift up Abby but he wanted to let her win. Darnell gave up and slowly licked the cookie dough off of Abby's finger. Abby got closer to Darnell. She was getting mesmerized by his looks. Abby started to notice how little to no flaws Darnell had. Darnell put her hand on her waist. Abby looked at his lips and then his eyes. Darnell wanted nothing more than to just kiss her. Abby now had most of her body touching Darnell's. Darnell put his hand in Abby's hair and was about to pull her face closer when they heard a cough. Abby pulled away quickly with frustration on her face. It was Marco. Abby rolled her eyes. Darnell quietly grunted. "and you are?" Marco looked at Darnell. "I'm Darnell, nice to meet you" Darnell offered to shake his hand. Marco shook it. "You're the Darnell the one Mom and Dad can't stop saying how good of a guy you are" Darnell laughed. "Can you leave we're baking cookies" Abby spoke to Marco. "Really? Because I don't see any cookies in the oven" Marco wanted to annoy Abby just for fun. "I'm telling mom if you don't leave us alone" Abby hid her laugh. "Really Abby ? What are we 7?" Marco rolled his eyes. "But fine I'll leave and leave you two back to kissing I mean baking right" Marco teased them. "I'm sorry about him" Abby spoke up. "It's okay" Darnell smiled at her. "Well these are ready to go in the oven" Abby was avoiding eye contact. "I got it" Darnell wanted to help. "You know how you asked me earlier if I had plans?" Darnell looked at Abby. "Yeah?" Abby replied. "Well I kinda did, me, Spencer, and Jordan got invited to a frat party but being here with you is way better" Darnell admitted. "Now I feel bad, what if I just guilt trip you into staying and you didn't want to" Abby sighed. "Trust me I wanted to stay. Being with you is better than any party ever" Darnell smiled at her. Abby just nodded and blushed. "Fine but you're washing dishes" Abby smirked. "Yes mam" Darnell laughed. Abby cleaned up the mess they made while Darnell started on the dishes. Later the cookies were done so Abby and Darnell sat in the living room watching a movie while eating them.

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