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Abby woke up on the couch laying down by herself

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Abby woke up on the couch laying down by herself. She noticed Darnell was gone, Abby got secretly upset. Abby noticed her mom was in the kitchen making breakfast. "Good morning" Abby walked up to her mom. "morning sweety" she replied. "So last night-" Abby got interrupted. "I know" Abby's mom smiled. "Know what?" Abby eagerly asked. "That you had a friend over, that you both fell asleep on the couch, that when me and your dad got home you were asleep with your head on his shoulder" Abby's mom smirked. "It's not what you think" Abby blushed. "Are you sure? Look at you!" Abby's mom pointed at her red cheeks. Abby covered her face trying to hide it. "I'm serious. Me and Jordan just broke up. I can't jump into another relationship" Abby confessed. "Abby relax I was joking. It's okay to have fun without being in a relationship. Regardless I just want you to be happy." Abby's mom gave her a side hug before walking to the dining room. "Breakfast is readyyy! " Abby's mom yelled to the upstairs. Abby sat down. They both heard two pairs of foot steps rushing down the stairs. Marco and their dad sat down. "Where's lover boy?" Marco asked. "He's not here. Can you mind your business" Abby rolled her eyes at Marco. "You know he could've introduced himself before he left." Abby's dad replied. "It's not that serious. It was not supposed to happen. i'm sorry i didn't let you both know he was here" Abby's confessed. "I get it. Me and your mom use to do a lot of sneaking around before we met each other's parents." Abby's dad replied. Abby choked on her food. "Ew dad" Marco replied. Abby's mom laughed at their reaction.
"I have to tell you all something" Abby did not want to cry. Everybody got serious and focused on Abby. "Spencer's dad died last night..that's why Darnell was here last night..he just needed a friend to talk to.." Abby got teary eyed. "Omg..is spencer okay? I'm going to call his mom right now and check" Abby's mom got up. "Are you okay?" Abby's dad asked her. "I just want to make them feel better but I can't." Abby wiped her tears away. "Just by being there for them is enough. They'll talk to you when they're ready." Abby's dad got up to hug his daughter. Marco grabbed his phone and texted Spencer. Abby wanted to freshen up so she went up to her room.
Abby decided to text Liv and see if she wanted to hang out. She really wanted to text Darnell and Spencer but Abby thought it would be best to give them some space to grief. "Can you come over?" Liv texted Abby back. Abby felt nervous going to the Bakers house since her and Jordan were still not on good terms.

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