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The next daySpencer and Olivia were sitting down when Abby walks up to them

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The next day
Spencer and Olivia were sitting down when Abby walks up to them. "Hey" "who's this?" ask Olivia. "This is Abby, Marco's sister they just moved here from Arizona" "Hi, nice to meet you" "Hi!" Olivia smiles. "What are you guys doing" Abby ask. "Studying for biology, and let's just say we're going to ace it because Spencer is super smart" Olivia replied. "So, how was it hanging with the steroid set yesterday" "Are you-?" Spencer ask. "No, but i like to mess with Jordan" Olivia quickly answers. "So, Jordan is your brother? You guys aren't close?" Abby is curious why Olivia and her brother weren't close anymore. "I mean we used to be close. The closest. He was always my best friend. But then high school happened. He became a big football star and I became...this. The social pariah of Beverly high." Olivia slowly sighed. Abby new she was hiding another reason why they didn't talk anymore. She felt bad for Olivia because her and Marcos relationship is the best. Abby hopes her and Marco never fall apart. They were all getting to know each other when Layla walked up to them. Abby could tell Olivia felt uncomfortable she wondered why because she thought they were both nice girls. "Hey" Layla walked up to them. Abby felt the awkwardness. "Hi, Olivia" "Layla"
"So I'm throwing a little party at my place tonight. My parents are in Dubai. Again. Anyway it's kind of a start of the season thing. I was hoping you could make it? I mean..if you can?" Abby could tell there was something there. "Abby you should come too, Jordan's going to be there" Layla smirks at her. Abby just smiled. "I'll come by for a bit" Spencer replies. "You do that" Layla smiled. "I'll text you guys" she walked away. Olivia shot Spencer a look. "What?" Spencer asked. "A) She's taken. B) Those parties? I've been to my share. And not in a good way. I'd stay clear" Olivia looked at both of them. Olivia left. Abby looked at Spencer "I'll go, if you go" Spencer smiled.

At the party
Abby met up with Spencer before going inside Layla's house. Abby drove there because she didn't want to drink tonight and give a bad first impression to everybody there. "Hey, you ready to go inside?" Spencer asked Abby "Yes" Abby gave him a big smile. They were inside now and everybody was getting drunk. There was alcohol everywhere. There was also drugs everywhere and Abby found that disturbing. The football players were all dancing and the girls were almost half naked. Abby felt like she was underdressed. "This is not what I was expecting" Abby looked at Spencer uncomfortably. "Definitely not" Spencer laughed. Spencer walked away to talk to find Layla. Abby was now alone. She made her way to the kitchen to try and find something that didn't have alcohol. "So you don't like the punch?" Jordan walked up to her asking. "I'm pretty sure there is no real punch in that" Abby laughed. "So, what you just don't drink like ever?" Jordan looked at her. "I do, just not tonight, I'm the DD" Abby lightly smiled. "The bottom shelf in the back should have some water" Jordan pointed. Abby smiled and grabbed a water bottle. "Thank you, Jordan" They connected eyes and tried to figure each other out. Jordan knew there was something special about Abby and he was willing to figure her out. Abby couldn't stop staring at Jordan's eyes, she had to pull herself together. JJ walked up to them ruining the moment. "Bro, the shots are ready" Jordan quietly sighed. "Take care of yourself Abby, see you at school" Abby smiled "I think you should be the one taking care of yourself" Abby knew Jordan was trying to get away from something since he was drinking so much. Abby decided not to follow him and do her own thing. Later she walked up to Layla. Layla had a sad face on. "You okay?" Abby asked. "Yeah, just tired" "Oh really? Because that face looks more than just tired" Layla sighed. Abby knew Layla was hiding something. "You don't have to tell me Layla, I know you barely know me but if you ever do need to talk I'm here" Abby smiled. "Thank you, I'll keep that in mind" Layla and Abby smiled at each other. Abby decided to look for her brother and take him home. She saw Marco and Jordan taking shots with Asher and Spencer. She did not notice that Asher and Jordan were the only ones not taking the shots. She walked up to her brother. "Hey Marco lets go" Abby was getting angry. "I'm not playing you're making a fool out of yourself. Let's go or I'll tell mom what you are doing." Marco didn't believe she will tell but he did not want her to be angry with him. "Fine" "See you" Marco told Asher and Jordan goodbye.
"You are so going to feel that tomorrow" Abby laughed at Marco. "So what, I deserve to have fun once in a while Abby. You should try it." He scoffed.
Abby did not reply back and the whole car ride home was quite. Abby agreed with Marco she should be having more fun but she was not in the right mind to be letting loose. She was scared of what could happen and what others would say of her.

// I want to make a Spencer book now
Abby and Spencer are going to be like a brotp for this one!!!

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