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Abby spent the next few days wanting to text Darnell and Spencer to see how they were doing

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Abby spent the next few days wanting to text Darnell and Spencer to see how they were doing. Abby also went to go visit Layla a couple of times, she was happy Layla was getting better. Abby had gotten comfortable being alone and spending time doing things she loves like; trying different coffee spots, taking herself shopping, and spending more time with her family. Abby even joined the yearbook club, since she was getting comfortable with her camera again.
Abby decided she waited long enough for Darnell and Spencer to text her so she decided to just show up at their house. Abby walked up to James house and knocked. Dillon opened the door. "Abby!" Dillon hugged her. Abby was glad someone actually was excited to see her. "Hey buddy" Dillon moved out of the way so she could walk in. "Are Spencer and Darnell home?" Abby nervously asked. "Only Spencer is, i'll tell him you're here" Dillon walked away to go find Spencer. Abby sat awkwardly on the couch. Spencer walked in and sat across from Abby. "Hey.." Spencer spoke up. "I hope it's okay i'm here..you never responded to my text..I just wanted to see how you are doing" Abby missed hanging out with Spencer. "I'm alright. I've just been busy with work picking up extra shifts since I quit football I gotta pay for college somehow." Abby was shocked. "What do you mean you quit football?" Abby eagerly asked. "It's just something I can't do right now. It doesn't feel right." Abby sighed. "Common Spencer you can't just give up on your dreams" Spencer made up his mind. "I know what you're going to say..trust me I heard it all already." Spencer replied. "Okay I won't say it. I was really hoping to take pictures of you playing football for the yearbook." Abby admitted. "You joined the yearbook club?" Spencer asked. "Yeah, I have to keep my mind occupied and with sola muse and yearbook seems like i'm always busy." Abby did not mind being busy she just missed her friends. "How about we both take a break? We can help coop sell some tickets for this Bella Noche Skating Rink she wants to perform at." Abby did not mind. "Okay!" Abby smiled. "Do you mind if I invite the bakers? We need all the help we can get." Abby knew it was time for her to get comfortable around Jordan without it being weird. "Yeah sure I'll be fine" Abby answered.

Abby, Spencer, and Dillon met up with the Bakers, Liv brought Asher along. Abby was glad Jordan did not bring Simone she was not ready for that just yet. Spencer also called Kia to come and join them. "So what's the plan?" Kia asked. "Divide and Conquer" Spencer replied. "I'm not third wheeling with these two" Jordan pointed at Liv and Asher. "How about Me and Liv, Jordan and Kia, and Asher can go with you too" Abby pointed at Spencer and Dillon.

They all went their separate ways to try and sell coops tickets. "Are you okay with Jordan being here?" Liv asked. "Yeah..I've had my time to be sad and I just want Jordan to be happy. I'm ready to move on." Abby smiled. "We should all go somewhere after this" Liv suggested. Abby nodded. They both went to go meet up with the rest of the group. They all walked to a froyo spot. Abby decided to talk to Jordan. "Hey.." Abby said awkwardly. "Hey" Jordan replied. "How's Simone?" Abby asked. "She's good. She's starting to show, and gets the weirdest cravings." Jordan laughed. "How are you?" Jordan curiously asked. "I'm actually okay. I've been keeping myself busy with the yearbook club and sola muse." Abby smiled. "I'm glad we can actually have a normal conversation" Abby smiled. "Yeah it's a weird but good feeling you know" Jordan replied. Jordan missed Abby but he liked seeing her happy and did not want to ruin that for her. Before Abby could reply they over heard Spencer arguing with Dillon. Dillon's froyo fell on the floor. Abby looked for napkins. Jordan decided to ask for napkins. "Can I get a napkin, please?" The owner had a weird expression on her face. "You know what? Just leave it. It's fine." The owner replied. "No, it's all good. My apologies. I got this." Spencer started to clean the mess. "Actually, I think it's time for all of you to leave." The owner rudely spoke up. "What? We just got here?" Liv scoffed. "Well, as the owner, I reserve the right to dismiss you from the premises." The owner replied. "Seriously?" Abby asked. "We're paying customers. I told my brother I'm buying him fro-yo, I'ma buy him fro-yo." Spencer was trying to stay calm. "Just please go, all right? I don't want to have any problems with you people." The owner was being rude for no reason. "Us people? You mean the black people in the neighborhood you just moved into" Spencer replied before they all left the place. Abby couldn't believe they just got kicked out for no reason. "Chicks like her are becoming the new normal." Kia spoke up. "I want to go home" Dillon was upset. As they started walking a cop car arrives next to them. "We need to see some I. D." The cop insisted. "May I ask why?" Kia asked. "According to the owner of Bunch-o's, a person fitting your description was loitering and causing disorderly conduct." The cop looked at Spencer. "Loitering?" Spencer asked. "You don't have to answer that question, Spence. I've already committed their names and badge numbers to memory. Officers Bright and Whitner." Kia was not scared. "A lot of gangs congregate in this area. Are you in one?" The officer asked. Abby quickly grabbed Dillon and had him close next to her. Jordan moved in-front of Abby and Dillon to keep them safe. "We didn't do nothing wrong." Spencer defended himself. "But you did get into a fight in the store." Abby rolled her eyes. She couldn't believe Spencer was being racially profiled right now. "An argument with my little brother. Doesn't mean I'm in a gang." Spencer scoffed. "It doesn't mean you aren't." The cop replied. "Come on. Come on. Let's go." Spencer wanted to leave. "No one's leaving till you finish answering our questions." Spencer wanted to get his little brother out of there. "Your partner almost pulled a gun out on us!" Spencer defended himself. "We either finish this here, or we take this to the police station." The cop was being unreasonable. "Look, man, can you please let my friends take my little brother home? He don't need to be seeing all this." Spencer asked. "Everybody is staying put."
"Why haven't you read us our rights? Kia asked. " 'cause you're not in custody." The cop replied. "Exactly, which should make us free to go." Kia was right. "Are Spencer and Kia going to jail?" Dillon asked Abby. "No buddy they're just asking them some questions. We need to just stay here." Abby did not want to admit that she was scared. She had never experienced something like this and really did not find it fair. "Those are my friends on the curb." Liv spoke up. Liv decided to text her mom and dad to see if they could help. Abby also texted her dad since he was a detective.

"What's going on here?" Minutes later Mr.Baker got there first. "You know these kids?" The cop asked. "The kids that you're racially profiling? Hell, yeah, I know 'em." Mr.Baker asked. "Now, what's going on? Nobody's being racially profiled. We're just answering a call." Abby rolled her eyes at the cops response. "Look, you know these kids are good. They didn't do nothing wrong. You can either release these kids immediately, or my wife and I will successfully sue your entire department, and then we'll make sure both your asses are stuck behind a desk for the rest of your natural born lives." Mr.Baker was confident he could get them fired. The cops un-cuffed Spencer and Kia. Mr.Baker dropped off Spencer, Dillon, Kia, and Abby at Spencer's house. "Are you okay?" Abby asked Spencer. Dillon went inside to look for his mom. "Yeah, you know it kinda sucks how when you're my skin color you start to get use to it. It's like we're always being targeted" Abby wanted to help Spencer. "It shouldn't be like this. I'm putting a very bad and detailed review on that white lady's dumb froyo shop." Kia replied. Both Spencer and Abby laughed. "My dad said he's going to talk to the main officer of their department and have them suspended." Abby knew it wasn't much and she wished she could do more. "Woah Abby. You're dad does not have to do that." Spencer replied. "Actually I wish he could do more." Abby admitted. "I should get going. Can you let Darnell know I stopped by and to text me when he gets back tomorrow I need to ask him something" Abby walked to her car and drove herself home. Abby walked into her house and saw her mom walking around nervously. "Omg thank god you're okay. You're dad called me and told me what happened." Abby's mom was worried. "I'm okay mom. I did get scared when the cops were there. It just sucks how mean and racist people can be." Abby sighed. "I know sweetie. Are your friends okay?" Abby's mom asked. "Yes they are. I wish I could help them more." Abby admitted.

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