28. Liberty Vs. JT

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          Mickey sat in media immersion class tapping her feet, she was going restless listening to everyone's presentations. Currently, Sean was doing his presentation on Gottlieb Daimler, a person who Mickey had never heard of until today. "When Gottlieb Daimler died in 1900, he had no idea how far or how fast the Boneshaker motorcycle he invented would take us. Thanks,"

The class clapped as Sean said, back down in his seat.

"Good edition to our biography file. Uh, we have time for one more," Mr. Simpson said, looking around the class to pick the day's final presenter. "Liberty,"

Liberty got up and started preparing to do her presentation. "I have something done on time for once, and we run out of time. Typical," JT said to Toby.

"Typical is your project," Mickey commented, turning in her chair to look at JT.

"Mr. Simpson said we could do our project on anyone we wanted," Toby said, glancing over at the brunette.

" Anyone appropriate," Toby said. "Something tells me Hugh Hefner doesn't count,"

"As my quest for a woman goes on, name me a better role model,"

"Johnny Bravo," Mickey suggested.

"Just go for Liberty already," Toby said. JT turned around looking over at Liberty, who was leaning over a box grabbing something. JT made a fake shivering noise turning back to his two friends.

JT turns around and looks at Liberty, who is bending over, grabbing something from a bag. He makes a fake shivering noise, looking back over at his friends.

"That's not how she feels about you. In fact, she finds you fascinating. Just wait and see," Toby said, as behind JT, Liberty put on a wild print shirt and a backwards baseball cap.

"Oh yeah, Liberty adores you, it's as if you're her hero or something," Mickey said, trying to stop herself from laughing. Last week when the class was given the assignment Liberty came to Mickey and Toby asking them for pictures of JT, so without much convincing on Liberty's part both Mickey and Toby gave up the most embarrassing pictures of JT, they had.

"Ok. Now you two are scaring me," JT said, turning around and looking back to the front of the room noticing Liberty dressed as him.

"Fellow students," Liberty started her orientation, blowing a kazoo. "My hero isn't from the history books. He'll be famous later. The next Jim Carey," Liberty flipped to a picture of JT in a goofy hat. Seeing this photo JT turned and glared at Toby and Mickey, who were both laughing.

"Yuck it up, Tobester. I'm JT Yorke, here to talk about my favourite subject, myself," Liberty changed to another picture, this time one Mickey gave her, of young JT on a rocking horse. "You're gonna love it cuz it doesn't get any cooler than Yokeman: The Early Years. From the very beginning, I was a real urban cowboy. Then I went on to slay the ladies in powder blue ruffles,"

Liberty switched to another picture, this time one of JT in a powder blue suit. "You gave her my photo album? " JT asked, turning to his two friends.

"Mio?" Toby asked, pretending to be innocent.

"Oh we totally did," Mickey admitted, high-fiving Toby.

"They call me the terminator," Liberty's presentation continued as she showed a picture of JT in a speedo, inner tube and arm floaties and another of him in just a Speedo in a model pose. Now Mickey couldn't help but laugh, leaning her arm on Toby's shoulder. Liberty showed another picture of him in Speedo and equipment, doing a bodybuilder pose.

           After class everyone was still laughing about Liberty's project as they hung out in the hallway by Emma's locker. "The shot of him in the headgear, I thought I was going to lose it," Emma said, as Everyone laughed some more.

"It wasn't that funny," JT said, walking over to the group.

"Trust me, it was," Toby said.

"Imitation is the lowest form of humour," JT said.

"It wasn't an imitation. It was an homage. A tribute," Liberty explained.

"You want a tribute?" JT cleared his throat then spoke in a mock girly voice. "You take that back. I do too have friends. Ten textbooks, a thousand stuffed animals. Oh, and sometimes, my parents even like me."

Liberty looked upset, as she pushed past him knocking him in the shoulder as she walked away down the hall, Emma and Manny following after Liberty knocking him in the shoulder as well.

"Jeez," JT said, shaking his head.

"That wasn't very nice, JT," Mickey said.

"it was a joke, besides she started it," JT defended himself.

"Yeah, but Liberty didn't do it deliberately to hurt you, but you did," Mickey explained. Then she noticed Paige walking down the hall. "I'll talk to you guys later," Mickey excused herself and went looking for Paige to talk to her.

          Paige and Hazel were in the music room when Mickey caught up to them, so she entered the room. Inside Hazel was doing vocal scales well, Paige was toning her guitar. "Hazel. Must you?" Paige said, turning to face Hazel, and noticing Mickey standing there. "Kayla this is a closed rehearsal."

"Right, you see that's what I came to talk to you about," Mickey said, walking closer to Paige, "I want to be in your band,"

"Oh, what can you do?" Paige asked.

"Well, I can play the drum, and the guitar, somewhat. Plus I can sing," Mickey said.

"Okay well, I guess we could use a drummer, you're in," Paige said.

"Yes," Mickey cheered, grabbing some drumsticks and sitting down at the drum set. Mickey started drumming a basic drum beat when Terri entered the room, dressed in the same outfit she wore during last year's lunchtime cabaret.

"Sorry, I'm late. I wanted to get in the mood," Terri said. Mickey stopped playing and waved to Terri.

"You wore that last year. And cheesy pop chicks are over. Why do you have to be so out of touch?" Paige said to her.

Terri picked up her bass. "Why do you have to be so mean?" Terri shot back at Paige.

"I'm not mean. I'm right. So, new wardrobe," Paige said, back.

"No," Terri said, taking off her sunglasses.


"What didn't you get? I said no,"

"Terri," Hazel tried to interject.

"Paige doesn't understand that word. Never has,"

"You better stop right there," Paige said, clearly getting upset.

"Ok, Paige. Look, we want to win, so let's just rehearse, ok?" Hazel asked, looking at Paige.

"Right," Mickey agreed with Hazel, "We can worry about the look later. Right? Paige? Terri?" The two girls agreed and Paige nodded for Mickey to start playing.

Mickey started playing the drums and shortly after Terri started playing her bass. They sounded pretty good, that was until Hazel started singing, she was okay but not great, and the song lyrics didn't help. "I wish I knew Just what to do, yeah. To make this secret wish come true,"

Paige took off her guitar. Noticing this Hazel stopped singing and asked her, "Paige? What are you doing?"

Mickey spotted drumming as Paige answered, "This isn't working." Terri stopped playing as Paige walked out of the room, leaving the other girls alone.

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