9. Toby Woby's got a crush

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             Mickey was sitting in Media immersion, talking to Toby, when JT came racing into the room, sitting in his empty seat between the two. "Hey, Mickey, Tobster. Check it out. Dr. Sally is coming to Degrassi, today." He said showing Toby a brochure.

"Who's Dr. Sally?" Toby asked, confused.

"The sex lady." JT said excitedly "But she's only talking to the eighth-graders, of course."

"Of course," Toby said, not sounding like he cared.

"Toby and I were talking," Mickey said to JT,

"No one cares," JT said to Mickey, earning a light smack on the back of the head. before he turned back to Toby "It's totally unfair. I heard that she brings like props. And she gets graphic. As in pornographic. Eighth graders get all the luck."

"Ok, people as we discussed at the end of the last class today you guys are going to be creating a website on an animal of your choice." Mr. Simpson said, grabbing the class's attention.

Emma raised her hand "Ooh! Can we do it on a specific animal, like Mama Onu?" She asked

"Mama who?" Mr. Simpson asked

"Mama Onu. She's an endangered green turtle from the South Pacific." Emma said,

"That sounds very informative. You know, but don't forget to have fun and use the technology and your imagination, ok? That's what it's all about taking technology to the next step" Mr. Simpson continued to explain the project. Mickey's mind wandering off as he spoke, noticing Toby staring at Emma.

Mickey nudged JT "I think our little Toby's in love," she joked. JT laughed, as Sean walked over to Toby, snapping him out of whatever fantasy he was having.

"Hey, man. Thanks for letting me borrow your notes." Sean said hand Toby back his notes

"Yeah, no problem Sean," Toby said, and Sean walked away.

"Oh, Can I borrow those," Mickey said, taking the notes from toby.

"Whatever," Toby muttered looking back towards Emma.

JT and Mickey laughed "You ok?" JT asked

"Oh, yeah, fine, perfect," Toby said dreamily, making JT and Mickey laugh harder.

           After class Mickey separated from her friends to find Jimmy. It was almost Jimmy and Ashley's eight-month anniversary, and Jimmy was giving her the gift he made her today. "Jimmy" She called running up to the older boy on his way to the cafeteria. "Did you give Ash, her gift?"

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