6. School Dance Time

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             Mickey climbed up the steps of Degrassi community school. Spotting Spinner and Terri talking on the steps. "Um, so is it okay if I borrow those geography notes?" Spinner was saying to Terri.

"Yeah, I got 'em right here," Terri said, opening her bag, taking out her binder, and handing it to Spinner.

"Uh, thanks. I really appreciate this." Spinner said, he looked nervous "So are you going to the dance tonight?"

"Actually, I can't. It's my dad. He's kinda old school." Terri said.

"Ok." Spinner said, he sounded sad. Ashley approached the two calling over to Terri.

"Hey, Terri!" Ashley said, holding a box of stuff for the dance.

"Thanks again for these," Spinner said to Terri heading up towards the school. Spotting Mickey. "What are you looking at?"

"You getting rejected," Mickey said, walking closer to the boy.

"I wasn't rejected, her dad won't let her go," He said, and the two of them continued into the school. "And I doubt you're doing better in the dating department"

"Excuse me, I could so get a date if I wanted," Mickey defended.

"Yeah right," Spinner laughed. Mickey hit Spinner on the arm. Jokingly Spinner wrapped his arm around Mickey messing up her hair. "do that again I dare you," he laughed

"Stop," Mickey laughed, trying to get away from the boy.

"Just the man I was looking for." Paige's voice broke through the pair's laughter.

"Hey, Paige." Spinner said, letting Mickey go. Mickey fell quiet trying to stop herself from laughing. "You remember, Mickey Jimmy's sister,"

"Mickey?" Paige asked

"It's short for Mickayla," Mickey said,

"Oh," she said looking away from Mickey and back to Spinner "So, you ready to get down?" Paige asked him.

"Huh?" he asked

"The dance. You are going?" Paige asked him,

"I'm gonna go," Mickey said "Fix my hair before class," Spinner smiled over to Mickey before Mickey walked off. Butterflies in her stomach from having Spinner's arm around her, and the crush she thought she was over, coming back full speed.

              When Mickey was done in the bathroom, she went to her locker to grab her things for homeroom. She was running out of time before the bell rings and was going to have to run to get to class on time. Mickey entered another hall not looking where she was going and running into a boy, scattering the papers he was holding across the floor.

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